Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Not only are we coming to the end of another calendar year but a decade as well. In a few days 2009 will be a thing of the past. '09 has been a rough year for a lot of people, my self included. I'm sure a lot of people are eager to put it behind them. 2009 has taught me that life is anything but a cake walk and that you can be thrown a curve ball without a moments notice. Whether you catch that curve ball or drop it or completely miss it or have it hit you in the face is not the point though. It's about whether you shake it off and get ready to catch the next one and pull your self into the fetal position and cry, waiting for someone to come help you get back on your feet.
In 2009 I lost friends, was broke, constantly looking for a job, had multiple almost break ups with my boyfriend along with a bunch of other unpleasant issues and dilemmas. I learned that you should not depend on anyone but your self and the importance of Independence, self reliance, knowing who your real friends are and having a sense of humour. If you can't laugh at your self and the mess you're in than it's going to make your bad day seem a lot longer than it needs to be.
Even though 2009 was basically cleaning up one mess after another, it wasn't all bad. I did some pretty rad things in 2009. I spent the weekend in Niagara Falls for my birthday with some of my closest friends. I went to Detroit with Allan and our car got stuck in the snow on 8 Mile. I hung out on the beach in Grand Bend a few times this summer with friends, one of those trips I was able to defeat Allan in a game of air hockey. I saw A LOT of concerts, far too many to list. I was there for blink-182's first Canadian show on their reunion tour. I made a few new friends and reconnected with old ones. Spent time in bars, both gay and straight. Saw both the world and people in a different light. I went to my first +19 plus show and tweeted like a teenie. I bought my first drink at a show, that happened to be all ages. I told far to many 'That's What She Said' jokes and most importantly, lived life.
As horrible as people claim 2009 was I have no regrets. I lived life. My uncle once said to me something along the lines of this: I am where I am because I made a series of choices. He's a pretty wise and rad dude, if I say so myself. Sometimes you need to make mistakes and get your hands dirty to end up where you want to be. I may not be exactly where I want to be or have all the answers yet, but I'm 21 years old. I'm not suppose to be any where close to being near the finish line.
To all that read my blog I wish you all a happy holiday season. I hope that you all have high hopes for 2010. I wish nothing but the best for each and every one of you. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty, take a risk, or take that leap into the unknown. It may have a huge pay off in the end. Don't let anything stand in your way. Open that business, go to school, record a demo, post a blog, sell your painting. Grab your dreams and run with it.
Thank you to everyone who have been there to support me and accept me for the mess that I am. Sarah H, Erin, Holly, Mom, Dad, Uncle Peter, Aunt Theresa, Allan, Tyson, Jesse, Nicki, Ryan Isemeyer, Ashely... You guys are why I am here today in one piece. Thank You.
Love Peace Happiness
Later Days
Friday, December 25, 2009
Yesterday I had to stop at the mall to pick up my boyfriend's xmas gift I had ordered. i had my iPod on and turned up loud. Walking through the mall I felt on top of the world and nothing could touch me. I was wearing a pretty rad top I had jst bought, make up done. I just felt amazing. Afraid of loosing the moment I kept repeating the song.
For thoughs of you expecting something to put you in the holiday spirit... I leave you with this
Happy Holidays
Later Days
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Hola Readers
It's hella cold outside. It's snowey and and windy and cold. I have a bunch of errands to run, christmas shopping included. I'm been putting it all of as I've been listening to the 90's nooner with Josie Dye on 102.1 The Edge. I sent an e-mail in hopes that she would play my song but with only 8 minutes left it's not looking for good.
I've been working like crazy but I wont see the fruits of that labour for another two weeks. I've been stressed out and today is my only day off. After running my errands I will probably hang out in my apartment, get drunk and watch movies on tv. If you have any better ideas please send them my way, as I am having a great hair day. Perfect hair actually.I hate when you look hot and have no where to go. It bums me out.
I got a bunny. He's all black and fairly small. I named him Cooter, but I feel like he shouls have a more bad ass name. Let me know what you think.
Back to the topic at hand. I'm digging this 90's punk/rock/music thing. To try and make the best of this waste of a day I am showering you with rock music.
I'm also giving you Say It Aint So by Weezer just because it's such a shitty day otu there that you might as well have some bad ass music as a pick me up.
Catch ya on the flip side home slices
later Days
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
I am not a religious person by any means. If I was going to adapt anything it would probably be buhdism. My boyfriend on the other hand has a strong religous upbringing.
Not realising we were suppose to get a snow storm he drove to Detroit tonight to see Dashboard Confessionals play an acoustic show. He is now stranded in London, contemplating sleeping in his car because of road conditions. He's still two hours away from home. (Mississauga)
He has requested that I pray that he gets home safely. I can send out positive thoughts and direct positive energy in his direction but I'm not sure that I have it in me to pray. It's not that I don't want him to get home safely, I'm just concerned that a prayer from me wouldn't count for anything. I'm not exactly high up on God's answer list.
I believe that there is something that comes after death, and if there's a god up there that I will have to answer to one day than that's fine by me. I just haven't been the most loyal of subjects during my almost 22 years of life on this planet. Why would s/he bother to listen to me when I've done nothing but doubt their existance?
For Allan's benefit though, I would like to politely request and hope for his safe journey home. God, or who ever answers theses thoughs and wishes people send out to the cosmic void and beyond, please keep him safe. If anyone reading this could send out a positive though for him it would be appreciated.
Later Days
Friday, December 04, 2009
Saviour - LIGHTS
I love LIGHTS. She's playing in Kitchener Saturday night and if you have the chance I reccomend going if you have the $20 to spare. I've posted songs from LIGHTS before so there's no need for me to go on about her amazingness. Enjoy
Later Days
Monday, November 30, 2009
I’m all moved in. Until I get my room in January though I don’t think it will actually feel like home. This is what I wanted, to be on my own, to live my own life without interruptions. Although there is always someone here yesterday I just felt really lonely.
I was suppose to be in Mississauga/Toronto all weekend but my boyfriends life was far to busy to fit me in like originally planned. When he could squeeze me in it was obvious he was inconviencing himself and that he didn’t want me there. I had gotten all dressed up Saturday and ended up staying home.
Sunday I went to a friends house and watched a few movies and saw her new kitten. Afterwards I proceded to go grocery shopping by myself. I felt very empty and alone. I couldn’t get ahold of any of my other friends or my boyfriend all day. I just needed to keep myself busy with something fun. Even just to talk to my boyfriend, to know that I’m going to be ok would have been helpful.
I went home and unpacked my groceries. I Talked to my mom and my brother and my friend Courtney for a bit but I only felt more alone. I sat infront of my computer trying to cry as discretly as possible. I know I’m going to be ok, I just need some time to adjust to my new surroundings. I’m going to be okay.
I didn't post a weekend kick off song this past Friday. I was so busy it just slipped my mind. Sorry.
Later Days
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I had a great evening. I met my aunt for dinner and had some delicous chicken parmesan. I haven't had an actual mean in awhile so I'm sure anything would have tasted good, but this was truly tastey. For dessert we shared a scrumptious white chocolate brownie. Throughout our meal we chatted about life and the current events of out lives.
We then went to The Center in the Square to see Avenue Q. It was so refreshing to walk through the doors and be surrounded by college/unviversity students and adults. Avenue Q was a hysterical musical. I actually laughed out loud along with everyone else in the theaters. With songs about hows its ok to be gay but im not gay, the internet is for porn, every one is a little bit racist and having a girlfriend in Canada named Alberta who lived in Vancouver and wanting to eat her pussy how could you not laugh? Some of the language was vulgar, but definately funny.
Like every thing ment to entertain Avenue Q did have a message. Life is hard, but it gets better. I was definately a fan of this play. I liked how they mixed live actors and puppets so easily. I can also appreciate the similarities between Avenue Q and Seaseme Street.
Big thanks to my aunt who invited me to be her guest this evening. It was a great experience and I enjoyed spending time with her, as always.
Later Days
Friday, November 20, 2009
Pokerface - You Me At Six
I've said it before, I'll say it again, I love punk covers of popular pop songs. You Me At Six is a band from the UK that I have fallen in love with. I typically don't like accents, with an exception of aussie accents but the lead singer makes me swoon like he was Edward Cullen.
I'm proud to be able to take full credit for the video because I filmed it. I got a little to into the song though so it's kind of shakey... Sorry. I just saw these guys open on The AP Fal Ball Tour. If you have the chance to see them live I reccomend you do so.
Later Days
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Hello Blogosphere. Just thought I'd take a moment, sit down infront of my keyboard and type. Even if no one else seems to care, I love writing about the little things, like how my day went, things that are coming up, things that have crossed my mind. I used to do that all the time when I blogged daily on my myspace. When starting this blog though I wanted to keep the daily rantings about my life out of it. Now that I no longer use myspace I lack that outlet.
I'm not saying I'm going to start posting everyday about how frustrating my life is or how I hate so and so for being a such and such, but today I feel like talking about me and what I want and what's goign on in my life. I'm able to do the right?
My aunt invited me to go see Avenue Q next week at The Center In The Square. My aunt and I used to go see plays at Theater and Company on King St in kitchener. None of my friends appreciate seeing plays like I do so when she first invited me to see soemthing with her I was over the moon. I LOVE theater. There's something about drinking over priced coffee and seeing a play that just makes me feel so cool. My Aunt is the only relative who still enjoys my company and wants to be around me. I guess when you get older people forget about you or assume that ou're too busy being a young and impressionable adult to what to hang out with old folk ;-). She's a pretty cool person to around so I'm really looking forward to it.
I want to take a trip. Whether it be some where warm to escape the cold come March or across the pond this summer I really want to go somewhere. I've been talkign about a trip since high school and have yet to do it. I really want to travel and I think that now is the time to do it. I'm young and I don't have any real responsibilities other than providing my self the basic necesities of life. I'm not married or have any children. I don't see that changing at all within the next few years. I have some debt, but it wouldn't take long to pay it off. The way I see it, I have 3 years, 4 at most to be care free and selfish. I would like to get married and have kids and I think 25 is a good age for me to start thinking about that. I want to enjoy my youth but at the same time I don't want to be 60 and still be supporting my children. As much as I'd love to be a mother, I want them out of my house and off to college so that I can enjoy traveling and retirement when I'm finanically stable. I want to go to Africa and see a giraffe in its natural habbitat. I want to tan on a white sand beach in thailand. I want to check out all the cool shops in Tokyo, I want to eat vegemite in Austrailia. Theres no way I am going to be able to afford to do thoughs things within the next 3-5 years and I'm ok with that. One day I will do these things though. Getting pregnant after the age of 35 or 36 will make it a little difficult though.
On the same note, I think my aunt and uncle were smart about things. Even they had their child later in their lives they only had one. My cousin and uncle have an amazing relationship. My parents don't have that kind of time to dedicate to one kid like that. They bought a house, fixed it up and paid it off. They are mortgage free. If life decided to throw them a lemon they're not going to be totally screwed and will have no problem making the best tasting lemonaid ever. I want that. I want a normal sized house in a good neighnourhood that my partner and I can pay off. I want one kid, maybe 2 and a dog. I want to live within my means and save. I want to send my kids to college and that way when they are no older than 23 they are living on their own. I can fcuk off the Africa or Thailand or Tokyo or Austrailia for 3 months when I'm in my late 50's and loosing my house or my children needing me will be the least of my worries. Career wise I have no idea what I want to do, but when I grow up I want what they have.
I'm ending this monster of a blog and putting on a movie/getting into bed. Good night friends.
Later Days
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Checkmarks - The Academy Is...
I know I'm a little late, but what ever. I just got home from the Fall Ball Show at The Guvernment in Toronto. Friday the 13th certainly was unlucky. Despite leaving early it took us an hour and forty five minutes to get the the venue when it ususally takes an hour. There was construction and it was stop and go and then we took 427 North instead of 427 South. Missed meet and greet by ten minutes. On the way home the 427 was closed and we ended up takign brown line and going through mississauga. Luckily my dad can give great directions.
With all that a side, the show was amazing. You Me At Six, The Secret Handshake, Set Your Goals, Mayday Parade and The Academy Is... put on a great show. The only issue I have is that the set was way to short. The Academy Is... played a lot fo their first album, Almost Home, which was great but it would have been nice to hear some stuff from Santi and Fast Times At Barrington High.
I read somewhere that you have not lived until you've moshed to checkmarks. It's a personal fav and I am all over the place when it plays live. enjoy.
Later Days
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Today I am headed back to work. With an exception of a three week stint as a pesky telemarketer (4 if you count the time I was off sick wit the flu) I have been unemployed since May. It's been rough and has certainly taken it's toll on my relationship with family members, certain friends and even my boyfriend. It's hard to live life without a little change to jingle in your pocket.
Luckily, just in the nick of time, I was offered my old job back. I had left there end of April to pursue something with steady hours and it didn't work out. I spoke to a friend and will be living with her in Kitchener as her roommate. I wont have my own room until January but a month of living out of a box is a lot better than several on the street.
I'm really looking forward to going back. I feel comfortable with the job and I know it's something that I'm good at. There are no worries that if I don't sell enough or do enough of what ever that I will loose my job. As long as I show up on time and work all my scheduled shifts I know I'm going to be OK. I was a top recruiter when I was there.
I feel very relieved that things are working out in my favour. Things with my boyfriend are going great. The addition of the new GO bus that runs from the Tri-cities to Square One in Mississauga has made our lives a lot easier and saves us the expensive grey hound fare.
I also can see clearly who my actual friends are. My social circle may have gotten a little smaller but it feels a lot tighter. Sometimes all you need are some words of encouragement to get you through the day. When a friend can't even do that it makes you wonder if they're really a friend at all.
Moving forward, I have a lot to look forward to. I'm going to see The Academy Is... on Friday. Within the next few weeks I'm going to start and finish my Christmas shopping. I have flower pots to make and presents to wrap. LIGHTS is coming to Kitchener in the beginning of December and I'm hoping to go to that.
I've also recently attended a friend's Birthday party in Mississauga. By doing so I reconnected with an old acquaintance and have received an invite to another party at the end of the month. I'm looking forward to going and making new friends and having good times.
That's it for now. I need to make my hair and face presentable for my first day of work.
Later Days
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I now have a Tumblr page. I like it a lot. It's easier to use than blogspot.
Later Days
Friday, November 06, 2009

I'm sure you're all sick of seeing and hearing about my Halloween costume. My uncle is probably browsing my blog saying to himself "Jeez Friday, Halloween was a week ago, it's time to move on to the next commercialized holiday!" And he's right, it's time for me to move on.
I had taken some pictures on my video camera but it wouldn't show them back to me or acknowledge that I had taken any so I assumed I had lost them all. Turns out they are actually on the memory card. I'm not sure if the memory card or the camera is giving me trouble. I plan on meditating to Buddha in hopes it's not the camera.
Anyways, this picture shows off my chest wounds and gives you the full Zombie effect. If my camera decides not to fail me I plan on making a tutorial video on how to do the make-up your self and posting it to my youtube channel. I spent a good chunk of time making myself look that gross, I deserve the chance to show it off...right?
Later Days
So it's Friday, so that means that it's time for your weekend kick off song. This week I chose to give you Ocean and Atlantic by Mayday Parade. Not only will I be seeing them play next week but I feel like I can really connect with this song for one reason or another.
"She said she'll run
Until her feet don't touch the ground
And as the waves carry me out
We'll keep listening
She'll never make a sound
So keep it coming and the details quiet
She's like a ghost that keeps you up all night
And she'll be a secret you can keep
Keep me"
Later Days
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
On Friday night I went to my very first +19 show. I have to say it was an amazing experience. I could stand and enjoy the music without the screaming of little girls. There weren't any over protective parents glaring at you. It was a very laid back atmosphere. People drank and danced and maturely shared their love of music with one another.
No one passed judgement on anyone else. There was no drama or pushing or shoving. People weren't standing around on their cell phones the entire night. They were just enjoying a good band play good music. The headlining band, Bishop Allen, were amazing. They're an indie rock band from Brooklyn, NY. You may recognize them from the movie "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist". They are the headlining band at the show that the Jerk Offs play, it's also where Nick and Norah meet for the first time. You'll hear them play their song Middle Management.
I figure if I'm going to miss posting the WKOS I better have a good reason, and I think going to a live show is a good enough excuse. I have posted their song "Click, click, click, click" from their second album "Broken Strings" for you to check out. Let me know what you think.
Later Days
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
So, maybe I wasn't really killed by the swine flu and came back as a Zombie and really just wanted to show off my pro makeup abilities. I wanted to test it out to make sure it looked good before I committed to being a Zombie for Halloween. I can proudly say that I did the whole thing myself, even the wound! (Liquid Latex, paper towel, makeup and fake blood).
I did, however, have the flu and was really sick. It was a horrible experience that I would not wish onto anyone else. My whole body ached, I had terrible head aches, I was freezing cold but my skin would burn if you touched it. I had a sore throat and nausea. Then I got a runny nose and a terrible cough. I was gagging on flem and then throwing up as a result. My ribs were in so much pain from coughing so much. It was brutal.
I'm about a week in and today is the first day that I can honestly say I feel like myself. I still have a bit of a sore throat and a barking cough, but I'm well enough to return to my place of employment tomorrow. Doctors are recommending that if you have the flu that you don't rush to their offices, hospitals or clinics to seek treatment unless it's severe. They're advising people to stay home and ride it out.
I typically don't get sick. I have allergies, or I'll get a cold every now and then, but I'm even immune to hang overs. It's a beautiful thing. To get the flu was such a foreign concept to me. Before the worst had come I was on a bus in Waterloo Friday morning on my way to a job interview. I need to cough so I covered my mouth with my had and did just that. An elderly woman in front of me glared at me and shook it her head at me. When it was time for me to exit the bus she cornered me in my seat and blocked the aisle so know one could exit the bus. She points her finger at me and scolds me for not covering my mouth the proper way when I cough.
The whole bus is now glaring at me with the old lady who must be in her 70's. I inform her that I did in fact cover my mouth as I always do. She gives another dirty look and finally exits the bus. For what ever reason her need to reprimand me seemed very offensive. I always cover my mouth and use hand sanitizer right after coughing or sneezing. Apparently the correct way is to cough into the nook behind your elbow. I didn't think it mattered if I was using sanitizer.
I was furious that this woman felt the need to center me out in front of so many people. I instantly text messaged the bazaar story to my friends and family informing them of what had happened and being the horrible person that I am I followed it with "I hope I gave her swine flu" only finding it amusing because I assumed it was just a cold.
I get home that afternoon and am sicker than sick and feel like death. I don't know if this is a result of karma or not but I wanted to set the record straight for my friend karma. I did not honestly wish for this old woman to get swine flu or to contract it through me. I would not honestly wish any type of flu on anyone.
Later Days
Sunday, October 25, 2009
As you all know, I am a youtubers. Not only do I make videos of my own but I also watch a lot of videos. MattG124 is one of the youtubers that I subscribe too. He's helarious and lives not too far from me. MattG124 had an interesting cat named Tigger. Tigger was cool because when you talked to him he would actually talk back. He was just a rad, big, fluffy cat that just screamed awesome. Videos featuring Tigger were always hilarious to watch. The video I have posted above was actually featured on a tv show somewhere.
It's been brought to my attention that Tigger has recently passed away. MattG124 posted a rad in memory of video on his channel. Tigger was like his best friend, so he's pretty down about the loss of his pal. Tigger seemed like an awesome cat on camera and will be remembered by youtubers for years to come.
Later Days
Saturday, October 24, 2009
ill Scarlet is a punk/reggae band from Mississauga, Ontario. I've seen them play a few times, most recently when they opened for blink 182, and have never been disappointed. I just fond this cover they did of Rihanna's Umbrella and thought I would share it with all of you.
These guys have a very fun and laid back feel to their music. I think that they have three albums out right now... if the third one isn't out yet it will be soon. I could google it, but I wont.
Later Days
Friday, October 23, 2009
Happy Friday Readers! The weather is pretty depressing here, its cold and raining and it isn't doing a good job of pumping me up for another weekend, but what ever. This week I give you My Heart by Paramore.
I can't decide if I'm a Paramore fan or not. They put on a good live show and I have their first two cds but I don't usually listen to them. There was something about their singer, Hayley, that just didn't sit right with me. What ever it was I think I'm over it though because I've started listening to them again and seem to be enjoying their music.
To most of you this is jsut more of the same, but take it or leave it. I don't aim to please when I post these songs. I do it because I can. Enjoy.
Later Days
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I'm not as strong as I appear to be. It's killing me to stand my ground. Almost every part of me wants to let you back in whole heartedly, no questions asked. My head tells me that if I do that it will happen again. You will continue to hurt me the way you do because you know that you can.
How much longer until you clue in and make things right? I don't choose to be short or cold with you. I do it out of necessity. I need to know you mean what you say. I need to know that you are true and genuine. I need to put my friends minds at ease. I need to know that you can be trusted with me.
Later Days
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
People are selfish by nature. Gone are the days where you committed your self to one person for the rest of your life. Through hell or high water you would stick by that person. You'd wait out the bad times because the good always surpassed it.
A life sentence is 25 years, and very rarily is that full sentence ever actually served. People get bored or decide that the burden of looking out for someone else is too much and they throw in the towel. No one is willing to fight for anything anymore. Why bother?
I've learned that it's every man for himself out there. No one else is going to have your best interest at heart. No one is going to take your happiness into account if it effects theirs. No one is going to fight for you. You will never mean so much to someone that they would give anything to be with you. You're not worth holding onto. There will always be another you. You're a dime a dozen.
Look out for your self. Make your self happy. Chase your own dreams. I'm starting to believe that love is truly extint. All we're left with is lust, and that wears off rather quickly. The only person you can always depend on is your self.
Later Days
Monday, October 19, 2009
Molly 1995 - 2009
Molly was a big part of our family for 13 years of her life. She was will always be remembered fondly as a member of our family. As much as I said I hated it, I'll miss seeing her sleeping on the end of my bed or in a pile of my clean clothes. I find it really hard to write this and I don't know why. She will be greatly missed. Good bye Molly.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I caved when I should have stood my ground. I was gullible and naieve. They are happy and have gotten their way, but they wont feel that way for long. It feels like the blame has been wrongfully shifted to me. They see them selves in the clear, but I am the only one seeing clearly here. For the first time my vision is 20/20.
I've taken a step back to check out my surroundings. I think I'm going to get back into my space ship and blast off to another galaxy. This one isn't stable. The air is thick with deception and destruction. Every man for himself clearly hasn't worked for this planet so I'll find one that values a good partnership.
Nothing is perfect but this planet is beyond saving. There isn't a worth while life form for miles. I'm sure at one point it was a beautiful place to live, but it's inhabitants took it for granted. Now they can live with the mess they've created. I guess it's true when they say you don't know a good thing until it's gone.
Here come the beings of this planet. I better blast off to avoid being captive. These beings suck the life out of you with a straw and consume your sould for dessert.
Always and Forever
Captain Love Lies
Friday, October 16, 2009
Hello friends, family, and fellow readers. This week I give you When I Grow Up by Mayday Parade. It's actually a cover of a Pussycat Dolls song done for the Pop goes Punk2 cd. It's a cool twist on a song that in it's original form as the potentional to drive you to drink because it's played so frequently. Mayday Parade actually just released a new album that's pretty decent. They're also co-headling the AP Presents Fall Ball Tour right now with The Academy Is... I'd tell you to get tickets but it's sold out. I'll let you know how it goes though.
There is something about punk bands covering pop songs that makes me excited. This song here is off of the same Pop Goes Punk cd. A Static Lullaby covering Toxic by Britney Spears. I love it. I'm batteling the same cold most of my friends are so you probably are too. So to cheer both you and me up, there are two songs this week.
Later Days
Thursday, October 15, 2009
It's really hard to change something and even more so when you've been doing things a ceetain way for so long. It doesn't matter if what you're currently doing isn't working or if you know the change is needed. You will always, at the very least, subconsciencly resent the change. As humans we have a preconceived notion that all change is bad.
Yesterday I stood my ground in hopes that it will result in a change for the better. Everytime there was an issue I allowed it to be dropped without a resolution. It would then be burried and brought up with the next issue, making it appear to be bigger than before. I was giving my forgiveness without an apology or any actions that should follow said apology.
I'm worried that by taking a stand it will cost me something I care about a lot. It was a hard thing to do and I instantly felt bad. In the long run though I think that it was for the best. If something doesn't change soon what I have wont be worth having.
Later Days
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
For the last few days I have herd strange noises coming from the laundry room. Boxes falling or something. When I go to investigate there is nothing there.
Last night I came upstairs to use the washroom. Our yorkie mix, Milo, followed me upstairs. There is a cat sitting at our backdoor. He chases it down stairs. Assuming it's our cat Molly, I think it's nothing and procede to head up to the washroom.
As I head up the second set of stairs I see Molly, sleeping on the stairs. I'm assuming this cat is hiding in our laundry room but I can't find it. I swear I saw it though. I'm not crazy... I think.
Later Days
Friday, October 09, 2009
I am a huge LIGHTS fan. I've been listening to her for about a year now. I follow her on twitter: @lightsnoise I just think her music is amazing and think she is amazing. I love her style. She's playing a show in Hamilton at the end of November on my day off and my friend Nicki said she'd go. I'm insanely excited for LIGHTS. <3
Later Days
Hey friends. It's Friday, so that must mean it's time for your weekly dose of awesome music. I was going to do Spaceman by Bif Naked in honor of Sarah and her new futurist car. It's insane, you don't even need a key to start it. I've had this song stuck in my head for a good part of the week though and am obsessing over it...
Every Man Has His Molly - Say Anything
This song get me pumped up and in a mood to rock out. After a long and stressful work week you just want to cu loose and have a good time. Say Anything certainly knows how to bring the awesomeness.
Later Days
Thursday, October 08, 2009

Some times I day dream about starting over from scratch. I'd move some where completely new where I didn't know a single soul. I would cut and dye my hair and buy new clothes. I could change my name and all of my contact information. Get new e-mail addresses, delete my myspace and facebook. I'd sever ties with everyone that was connected to that girl that I left behind. I'd leave everything, both good and bad and just disappear. I would make new first impressions and be the girl that I wanted to be, not the one that people expected me to be.
I'd miss my music and concerts though, and some of my friends and family aren't too bad either. I lack the courage that is needed to follow through. One day though, one day.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Yesterday I ventured out on an hour and a half journey by bus to visit a friend in Kitchener for the day. On occaison I like to people watch, with an hour and a half with nothing to do but sit, it tends to be a legitimate pass time. The bus always proves to be the perfect setting for people watching as there are always some colourful characters looking to get where they need to be.
On my journey home though I got to thinking about my life versus the lives of my fellow passengers. I worry that in twenty years time, I will still be in the same position as some of the other passengers. When does it stop being exceptable to be riding the bus and making little to no money? I'm 21 but I'm not a student. I'm not doing anything to better my life in anyway.
I'm scared that this is as good as it gets for me. Working entry level jobs, having little to no money with a good chunk of debt and nothing to show for it. Someday I would like to own a house. You can't own a house when you make $10.50 an hour. You can't get a higher paying job unless you go to college. You can't go to college unless you have money to pay for it.
I'm 21 and most 21 year olds don't worry about these things. They work their entry level positions to get their $600 pay cheques. The problem is that theese positions do not have room for growth and opportunity. Before you know it 21 becomes 31 and you're in the same spot working the same kind of shit jobs you were working when you were fresh out of high school. I do not want to be working in a call center for the rest of my life.
Today I start my new job, which is in a call center. I haven't worked in 5 months and I'm looking forward to gaving some change to jingle in my pocket. I have to wonder though if this job was the light at the end of a long and dark tunnel or if it's really just the beginning of the end.
Later Days
Saturday, October 03, 2009

I used to be a huge fan of the hit TLC show Jon and Kate Puls 8. I thought their kids were adorable and loved watching them every week on my television screen. I have seen every episode of the show with an exception of the newest season.
Like many I assumed that Kate was a piece of work and couldn't imagine how Jon had put up with her for so long. She was naggy and often talked down to her husband on national television. I sympathized with him and even found him to be an attractive man.
When they first announced their divorce I was very skeptical and assumed it was just a big hoax to bring in ratings for the show. It seems to be pretty real though as they are no longer living togeather in their Pennsylvania home with their children at the same time. In addition to that their lives have been made even more public than they already were. Every time I turn around Jon or Kate have been speaking to the media about their relationship and the details of their seperation. It used to be that Jon was the quiet one but it seems that he and his new 22 year old girlfriend (who is a year older than me, might I add) seem to be quite the fame whores.
I am sick and tired of seeing Jon's face every time I decide to go to It seems that the man just cannot keep his mouth shut and what comes out of it doens't seem to be too inteligent either. He has been shamelessly partying with younger girls who are the same age as college students and parading about like a single man with no responsibilities, while his soon to be ex wife is only ever seen with her eight children. It could just be that the media is very one sided in Kate's favour but when your fame is owed to being a father of eight I feel that for the sake of your kids that keeping a low profile is a good idea.
It seems to me that both Jon and Kate are treating their children like a business instead of a family. It would have been nice to see them put the show on hold for a year and work out their problems in private. That way they would have the opportunity to come to the show if they felt it was the best option for their family with a new take on things. I just don't see how it could possibly be beneficial for their children to see their parents trashing each other and acting like immature high school students all over the internet.
To top it all I recieved an e-mail from my boyfriend last night that I read this morning. Apparently for the low price of $40 you can now own a porn parady of the show entitled "Jon and Kate Fuck Eight". The premise of the porn flick is that Jon and Kate go to couples therepy and are instucted to have sex with a whole mess of people to save their marriage. ( I'm sure their kids will look forward to one day seeing that as well.
Later Days
Friday, October 02, 2009
Josey - Hey Monday
For thoughs of you who don't know, I start a new job on Tuesday. The way the scedueling goes, this will be my last weekend off for awhile. This song is fun and upbeat and is all about a girl who likes to party. The weather may be gloomy but hopefully this song will lift your spirits a bit and put you in a mood to start your weekend off the right ways.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My book is going great. I have three chapters completed already. I didn't realize how time consuming writing one chapter could be. I've started writing a second book so that I can continue to write abut it gives me a chance to switch gears for a bit. I only have one chapter done of that one so far but I like where it's going.
I'm suppose to be writing book with two of my friends but I worry that nothing will ever come of it. The third chapter hasn't been completed because the friend in charge just doesn't have the time to do it. It's been a month since I completed my chapter and I'm getting antsy to get back to it. I guess it's good to exercise paitents. I'm sure with all the extra time she's taking the chapter will be the best yet.
Anyways, I have to go get my brother from school, just wanted to go you a little update on life.
Later Days
Friday, September 25, 2009
Before I give you your wkos I have a bit of a complaint to make. If it is at all possible I like to post the actual music video for the song I choose. I primarily use youtube for my song selection and I find it very irratating when the embedding code has been disabled by the request. The whole point of youtube is to view and share user generated content. If you don't want other people to be able to share your video then you shouldn't be uploading it. It makes it very frustrating when I try to post something and it takes six or seven tries to find something I actually post. Moving right a long...
Punk Rock Princess - Something Corporate
I have been listening to a lot of SoCo lately and a early in the week decided that I would use the song 'I woke up in a car'. Every other week or so I find my self browsing and reading William's elegantly written thoughts. I happened to stumble across the blog today and low and behold there is the song I have chosen for my weekend kick off song. He has used it for his Saturday Night Music Club, which he posted on Sunday. Instead of following in his foot steps I decided to post another SoCo song that I enjoy equally as much.
They are no longer a band, but check out the frontman's latest project Jack's mannequin. They have two cds and are nothign short of amazing. You may now some of their songs, Mix Tape, Dark Blue and Resolution.
On an unrelated note, William Beckett revealed in the newest edition of AP Magazine that he is actually engaged, owns a house and has a two year old daughter. I think it was a wise idea to keep his new family out of the spot light. I think its great that remains in Chicago suburb so that his daughter can grow up and have a normal childhood. Much respect and support goes out to him. Either way though I don't have too much of an interest in the lives of bands I listen to. I just appreciate the music and shows they provide.
Later Days
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
You are required to make a series of choices, take various risks and do certain things in order to live your life. What I decide could differ greatly from the choices you might have made if you were in my shoes. I make these choices knowing that I will have to deal with the out come regaurdless if the end result is good or bad.
Sometimes I will make mistakes, but that's another crutial part of life aswell. I will learn valuable lessons from the mistakes I make and it will shape me as a person. There are things I wish I had done differently, but ultimately I don't have any major regrets. When things aren't working I will make changes. I will live and learn.
People need to stop providing unwanted advice and passing judgements because someone is doing it differently. As long as they aren't hurting any one, how does what they do affect you in any way? If you don't like it, don't stick around to watch it unfold. If someone needs help, they'll ask. We're all taking different roads for a reason, we all want to end up in different places. Some Like Thailand, some Californai, some Nunavut. Who am I to ay which is right?
Later Days
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
There isn't a better feeling in the world as the one you get when one of the people in your life does something to remind you why you let them in in the first place. On the flip side, there isn't a worst feeling in the world as the one you get when one of the people you trusted and cared about the most does something to make you realise that you made a mistake by letting them in.
Live and learn.
Later Days
Saturday, September 19, 2009
There is a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.
It's almost as if something that should stay put fell.
I can can trace the path it takes as it continues to fall.
Secrets aren't meant to be kept from best friends.
For a whole year it's been eating away at my insides.
It's like a little monster that gobbles up my integrity.
If they love me as much as I do them it wont matter.
They will acknowledge my dirty little secret and leave it at that.
They will understand and make nothing of it.
Maybe they will view me in a different light.
Maybe they will be horrified at the person that I have become.
Maybe they will want nothing to do with me.
I feel that little piece inside of me drop.
It travels a few more centimeters deep into the pit of my stomach.
I'll carry my secret with me for a little longer.
No weekend kick off song this week. I had intended on doing one but didn't get on the computer. I'm currently a little morose and don't just don't have the motivation to even put one up late. No matter how bad I think I'm feeling though, I know it can't be worse than this kid:
I had a good time last night, maybe too good of a time. I didn't do anything worth regretting though so it's all good. My boyfriend went home today and his deprture was less than pleasant. I quickly snapped into this bitter mood and hated him for a million reasons. The funny thing about it is the only reason he'd suspect I'd be upset with him for, leaving and not staying to hang out with myself and friends this evening, is probably the only thing that I didn't have a negative attitude towards. I'll be seeing some good friends within the next few hours though so hopefully they can pull me out of this funk that I am in. If all else fails there is half a bottle of ginger ale in the fridge.
Later Days
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Academy Is... has a new song that you can listen to.
I'm in love, all over again.
Forever alone until I found you, and now you’re always there;
voice on the air, scent on my clothes.
Oh, but when the sun exposes all my demons, will you stay or run away?
I’ll help you find your way every moment you’re awake.
You know I’ll stay, even in your dreams
I’ll pull the stars down from the heavens to fill your empty skies
I’m yours tonight.
Wherever you go, they say I’m bad news.
When every one agrees, whispers start sounding like screams.
Oh, but i know what you want to say before the words escape your teeth.
Will you trust in me?
My good intentions can leave the hardest hearts, the harshest scars you’ve ever seen.
My bad impressions they follow me, making enemies that I can’t see.
Forever alone, until I found you. I know that you’ll stay. You won’t run away.
Even in your dreams, I’ll pull the stars down from the heavens to fill your empty skies.
Curtasy of William Beckett:
I know it's no longer Wednesday, but by the tiem I herd this it was too late to post so I had to wait until now.
A friend of mine was spending the weekend at her boyfriend's place that he shares with a few roommates. They were having a good time and she had had a fair bit to drink. When they went to go to bed for the night they decided to get intimite. When she asked her boyfriend if he had any lube he pulled out a small sample sized bottle. She started to loudly question him several times why it was so small, reffering to the bottle of lube as 'it'. I'm assuming all of his roommates herd and are assuming he has a small penis.
I laughed pretty hard, so hopefully you did to.
Later Days
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Everyone is good at something. Some people can paint, some sing, some run really fast, others can do complicated math problems in their head. Everyone has something that makes them special. When other people think about that skill they think to them selves, "Oh, Johnny is really good at that" or "Suzy does that perfectly!"
It's taken me a long time to find that one thing that I am good at and am truly passionate about. I like to draw, but my sketches are nothing special. I love music but so does every other black haired, skinny jeans wearing 15 year old with a chip on their shoulder. I used to think I was pretty decent at photography, but then so is anyone who has a digital camera and photoshop.
What I've realized is that there will always be someone who does it better. It is physically impossible to be the best at something. How do you decided what is best? Everyone has different thoughts, beliefs, and upbringings that effect their taste in anything. Some people like classical music and some like jazz. Is one or the other really wrong? If so, how can you prove it?
What makes you 'the best' at something is being confident in your ability to complete the task better than anyone else. If I honestly believe that I am great at something others will be more likely to agree that I posess that skill than if I were to say that I was 'just ok' at it.
Although I truly believe that music runs through my viens I think my true talent lies in writting. It may not be evident through my many pointless and mundane blog entries, but my works of fiction are rather quite good. I've been writing fiction since I was six or seven and have always had a knack for it. I've always enjoyed writing but didn't think it was something I could make a career off of.
I feel that I enjoy it far to much to ignore it. As I write more and more for this book I'm doing with two of my friends I find that I'm really getting into to it. I'm anxious for the other two to finish their chapter so I can have my turn to write more. When NB asked me to assist her with her chapter I was over joyed. To fill the gap between writing chapters from my character, Ryleigh Mae Carden's perspective I am going to start writing a whole new book that I will write my self from start to finish.
I'm loosely basing it on the life of a friend of mine as the things that she's already gone through in her short life seem like the kind of things you'd only read about. Chances are my books will never be published and the only people who ever read it will be the friends and family I e-mail the file to. I'm going to hold onto the hope though that one day I might get the opportunity to have something published.
I certainly wouldn't expect to make a living off any book I could possibly write, but who knows maybe one day someone will read what I have to say and be able to relate to it in some small way. Before I hit the 'PUBLISH POST' button I just wanted to take a minute to thank my good friend, NB, for helping me to realize my not so hidden talent. Thank you.
Later Days
PS> Never Let You Go by Third Eye Blind is such a solid song :-)
PPS> No spelling mistakes!!!!! I'm proud.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
So it's Friday and the weekend is hours away. I'm having a hard time choosing a song this week though. I've been listening to This is for keeps by the spill canvas a lot but I've already posted it. I thought about using Gasoline or Jude Law and A Semester Abroad by Brand New, Polygraph, Right Now by The Spill Canvas, and Admit It by Say Anything. They're all great songs that I've been blarring through the headphones attached to my iPod recently. I think that this will be more of a laid back weekend then a party weekend though, so this week I'm going to take it down a knotch in the hardcore department but still keep it awesome.
This week I give you Boy In A Magazine by Socratic. Socratic is a band from New Jersey that has two full length albums out, Lunch For The Sky(2005) and Spread The Rumors(2008) which was produced by none other than Mark Hoppus. They also have two EP's It's Getting Late(2001) and Just Turn(2006). They are currently signed to Drive-Thru Records.
To hear more go to their myspace:
Later Days
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Today, I was giving a physical to a 14 year old boy (I do this regularly, I'm a physician). When I asked him to pull down his pants to check his penis, he did, and had a massive erection. Even more, when I hunched over to feel his scrotum, he started sperming all over my chest and face. FML
She sat across from him. Her arms crossed, leg shaking nervously and avoiding eye contact at all costs. She knew it had to be done, but actually doing it seemed virtually impossible.
As they sat in silence, sipping their over priced lattes, she thought about their time togeather. She thought about the good times and the bad. All that is wrong with their relationship and all that is right. All of the good he brings into her life as well as the bad. They'd been through a lot over the past two years.
She opens her moth to speak but quickly stops herself as he breaks the silence. He tells her that they aren't compatible. They want different things and are going in He feels that it's best it's best that they quit while they are ahead and go on to live their own lives.
He had big plans for his future. He was going to school, moving to a new city and going to make something of himself. He didn't want or need the commitment that a long term relationship required. He felt that she could understand and would agree with him. He was relieved that she'd called this meeting.
He stood up and tossed a ten on the table to cover the bill. He wished her the best of luck and kissed her cheek. As he walked out of her life she whispered to her self "I'm three months pregnant. It's yours."
She watched him from the window get into his car. He watched the tears stream down her face and fall into her over sized coffee cup. Without a second thought he pulled out of the parking lot, never to see or care for the girl in the coffee shop again.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
I know I have found the one I will spend eternity with when everything that once felt awkward and forced feels right and can be done without though and with ease.
"This Is For Keeps"
The streets are dark, my pulse is flat-lined
as I'm running to you
You sit completely unaware of what I'm about to do
The air is thick with tension much like when we are together
My fangs are aching as I'm pondering about you and I forever
As I round your corner
I am nervous that you won't be my lover
I knock three times and hope that my pale complexion won't blow my cover
You answer the door with your innocent face
Would you like to leave this human race, tonight?
Eternity will never be enough for me
and eternally we'll live our infallible love
My brain is pumping an unusual secretion of lust
Your eyes are softer now
and your chin, it drips a bloody color of rust
I am raising up the stakes of this round, I am playing for keeps
Oh, would you like to leave this human race, tonight?
Eternity will never be enough for me
and eternally we'll live our infallible love
Follow me into the sea
We'll drown together and immortalize you and me
Leave behind this lonely town
We're both better than this, it's not worth being down
Eternity will never be enough for me
and eternally we'll live our infallible love
Follow me into the sea
We'll drown together and immortalize you and me
Leave behind this lonely town (eternally)
We're both better than this, it's not worth being down (eternally)
Monday, September 07, 2009
Ginger ale is a solid soft drink that does not get nearly enough credit. As I sit here sipping a nice cold glass of it, I thought I would give it some much needed and overdue props.
When I was young(er) we used to visit my aunt and uncle every Christmas eve. When I was offered a drink ginger ale was always an option and always my first choice. Whenever the bubbles tickle my nose I almost always think of my Uncle.
Another good thing about ginger ale is that it is more fizzy than every other pop. Why is this good you ask? Well, I will tell you. Being a young, but of drinking age, girl I like to mix different things togeaher to make good drinks. I always want my drinks to be a little fizzy but when I mix my alcohol with pop the pop almost always looses it's fizz withing a few minutes. Ginger ale not only keeps it's fizz when mixed but also manages to mask the taste on the vodka. It's a beautiful thing.
Later Days
Friday, September 04, 2009
Today marks the last unnofficial weekend of summer. Technically summer doesn't end until mid September but we all know that when the kids go back to school everyong gets into autumn mode. Not only is it you last unofficial weekend of summer, it's a long weekend aswell. So to celebrate the long weekend, end of summer and the factt hat I finished the first chapter in the book I'm helping to write you are getting three songs this week.
Say Anything - Walk Through Hell
I've really gotten into Say Anything lately. I eneded up putting this song on repeat while I finished writing. It's not exactly the pumped up party Anthem you were looking for... but I enjoy it.
Say Anything is a band from LA, California. I could sit here and write you up a bio on them or I could direct you to one filled with humour and sarcasm written by front man Max Bemis himself. You can read it by going here: I'd make it a clickable link but every time I do it doesn't work... so don't be lazy and copy and paste it into your address bar kids. I know you don't believe in physical activity any more and prefer to avoid sunlight but surely this isn't too much work for you! If you want to here more of them check out their myspace:
I find it kind of cool/strange that unless you're a huge band like blink-182 or fall out boy or something you don't have an actual website to call your own. With social networking sites like myspace, pure volume and faebook I guess there really isn't a need for your own domain and these pages are free, but it's still strange. Anyways... on to song number two.
Semi Charmed Life - Third Eye Blind
An oldie, but a goldie. I have no idea what this strange video is other than the fact that it has the song I needed, so take it with a grain of salt and if you enjoy it than it's a bonus. Here's a link to their bio:
And Last but not least I give you song number three
Weightless - All Time Low
When I first started writing in this blog I said that this was going to be my summer anthem. It's a rad song to rock out to and the video is pretty funny.
Alright Kids, that's it for me...
Later Days
I'm sure this will post with Friday's date on it, as it's 3am so technically speaking it is in fact Friday, but this is not your weekend kick off song. I haven't gone to bed yet so I still count it Thursday. That doesn't say much though because I will stay up until 4 or 5 on most nights.
I usually fall asleep to a movie but my dvd player no longer works. I'm actually trying to be productive and finish the first chapter of the book I am writting with my friends. Seeing how I have more free time, I'm starting it off. I've temporarily entitled it Naive, but I'm sure it will be changed about a million times before we finish it, although I really do love the word and find it very fitting for our book.
I never do anything without listening to music at the same time, so I've been playing a whole mess of different things. The song I wanted to share with you is an older one called Slow Motion by a band called Third Eye Blind. It's a very low key and mellow song but the lyrics will blow you away. Enjoy.
Later Days
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Some times when I am bored or left with my thoughts I come up with the most random and strange things. Some examples would be how to market, sell and physically gift time, what if our pets were actually born with names and we're calling them the wrong thing, and how to own the entire continent of Africa.
There is one reocurring thought that I just can't seem to shake though. I think that should have been born a boy. It's not a sexual thing. I don't want to trade in my goods for different parts. I am comfortable and happy being female and I am very much attracted to the opposite sex. With fine specimins like William Beckett, Zac Efron, Dane Cook, Robert Pattinson, Alex Gaskrath, and even Mark Hoppus how could you not find men appealing?
It's really more of a fitting in sort of deal. I have an interesting sense of humour. I love crude and sexual jokes and am constantly telling them. I do and say random things for no other reason other than it seemed like an entertaining thing to do. If I were a dude the things I say or do would be considered normal, funny and well liked. Because I'm a girl I'm view as strange and awkward.
There are tons of short and or chubby guys that make it in the world just fine. Look at the entertainment industry! Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Seth Rogan, Jonah Hill, Michael Cera... they're all awkward and don't exactly scream Hollywood. The girls in Hollywood all fit the same mold.
It's cool though. I like being an equired taste. If being a short, chubby, awkard girl means I need to work harder to deliver the punch line then so be it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go put on a dress, watch twilight, wax my bikini line and girl it up so that all 1.5 of my readers don't get them impression that I want to moonlight as a cross dresser or become a tranny.
Later Days
Here you sit, lounging about on my chest and stomach. Quietly purring as I make long, slow strokes from your head to your tail. You really are a nuisence to me. You get sick all over my carpet, traded your litter box for several pairs of my shoes, left clumps of hair all over my freshly washed sheets and you don't listen to anything you're told. Over the years I've developed an alergy to you. My nose and eyes become itchy, red, irritated and runny when you sleep with me. Unfortuneatly I don't have the heart to kick you out. You run this place and every one and every pet knows it. You have an attitude problem and are rarely affectionate. You are above any sort of play. It is for these reasons that you've probably stayed with our family for so long. You are just as much a family member as I am. It pains me to know that your days are numbered. In your old age you've picked up some nasty habbits we just can't seem to break. You've been the only predictable thing in this family and I found comfort in that. I will not complain when you harass me for canned food, take over me bed or leave hair balls on the floor. I have appreciated your companionship over the last 13 years. Although it may not have been evident to everyone else you have always been mine and we have always been yours.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Today, my boyfriend and I were starting to have sex. I get on top of him, lean down to kiss him, and he begins to laugh. Puzzled, I ask him why. He tells me that when I'm naked and on top of him, I remind him of a cow, with 'udders' . Offended, I go to get off. 'No no' he protests, 'a SEXY cow'. FML
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Hola readers. I know... I'm late, but did you honestly think my on time streak would last? My brother feels that helping to choose the weekend kick off song is he job. I thought I'd humour him and let him pick again this weekend. This weekend I give you some local talent from Kitchener.
Robot - The Dog Bus
Jules McKools(17) and Jakey McSpankey(11) are real life brothers from Kitchener. They've been making videos and music as The Dog Bus since 2006. I remember a few years ago my brother was desperetly trying to find this dog bus website his cousin told him about. Think it was a kids website and not a band my mother searched and couldn't find it. I eventually found it and checked out their myspace and instantly fell in love with Robot. I think the song is helariously awesome. I love robots nd this song just pumps you up.
The boys recently did an awesome job on muchmusic's disband. They haven't been signed to a lable yet but I'm sure great things are in the near future for them. It's strange because I used to see Jules McKools at concerts I go to like a sum 41 show at elements a few years ago andd thinking it was odd that I watch that kid on youtube. Now We're all watching him on tv.
You can check out their myspace by going to
I promise next week we'll be back to my usual grown up tastes (Well, as grown up as I can be) If the boys from the dog bus are reading this and they want to send me the song robot as a thank you for helping to spread the word... I would appreciate it. My brother is harassing me for it. :-)
Later Days
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. As of today I have closed a chapter in my life that I was not particuly fond of. Tomorow is filled opportunity. I have a job interview and Nicole, Courtney and myself will start to write our book. Good things are on my horizon. Lets go out, celebrate and get stupid! Here's to tomorrow!
Later days
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I had a dream last night that I actually remembered. Micheal Meyers came to an over nighter and killed everyone but me. He then proceded to take a pan of lasanga and smear its contents all over the walls. He then took the empty pan and whipped it at the floor.
I woke up sweaty and scared. When I think about it though it seems pretty comical. What does it mean? I think i'm going to make it a video and have friends act it out... put it on youtube.
Later Days