Monday, November 30, 2009

Move Along

I’m all moved in. Until I get my room in January though I don’t think it will actually feel like home. This is what I wanted, to be on my own, to live my own life without interruptions. Although there is always someone here yesterday I just felt really lonely.

I was suppose to be in Mississauga/Toronto all weekend but my boyfriends life was far to busy to fit me in like originally planned. When he could squeeze me in it was obvious he was inconviencing himself and that he didn’t want me there. I had gotten all dressed up Saturday and ended up staying home.

Sunday I went to a friends house and watched a few movies and saw her new kitten. Afterwards I proceded to go grocery shopping by myself. I felt very empty and alone. I couldn’t get ahold of any of my other friends or my boyfriend all day. I just needed to keep myself busy with something fun. Even just to talk to my boyfriend, to know that I’m going to be ok would have been helpful.

I went home and unpacked my groceries. I Talked to my mom and my brother and my friend Courtney for a bit but I only felt more alone. I sat infront of my computer trying to cry as discretly as possible. I know I’m going to be ok, I just need some time to adjust to my new surroundings. I’m going to be okay.

I didn't post a weekend kick off song this past Friday. I was so busy it just slipped my mind. Sorry.

Later Days

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