Friday, October 23, 2009

His girl Friday's Weekend Kick Off Song

Happy Friday Readers! The weather is pretty depressing here, its cold and raining and it isn't doing a good job of pumping me up for another weekend, but what ever. This week I give you My Heart by Paramore.

I can't decide if I'm a Paramore fan or not. They put on a good live show and I have their first two cds but I don't usually listen to them. There was something about their singer, Hayley, that just didn't sit right with me. What ever it was I think I'm over it though because I've started listening to them again and seem to be enjoying their music.

To most of you this is jsut more of the same, but take it or leave it. I don't aim to please when I post these songs. I do it because I can. Enjoy.

Later Days

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