Today I am headed back to work. With an exception of a three week stint as a pesky telemarketer (4 if you count the time I was off sick wit the flu) I have been unemployed since May. It's been rough and has certainly taken it's toll on my relationship with family members, certain friends and even my boyfriend. It's hard to live life without a little change to jingle in your pocket.
Luckily, just in the nick of time, I was offered my old job back. I had left there end of April to pursue something with steady hours and it didn't work out. I spoke to a friend and will be living with her in Kitchener as her roommate. I wont have my own room until January but a month of living out of a box is a lot better than several on the street.
I'm really looking forward to going back. I feel comfortable with the job and I know it's something that I'm good at. There are no worries that if I don't sell enough or do enough of what ever that I will loose my job. As long as I show up on time and work all my scheduled shifts I know I'm going to be OK. I was a top recruiter when I was there.
I feel very relieved that things are working out in my favour. Things with my boyfriend are going great. The addition of the new GO bus that runs from the Tri-cities to Square One in Mississauga has made our lives a lot easier and saves us the expensive grey hound fare.
I also can see clearly who my actual friends are. My social circle may have gotten a little smaller but it feels a lot tighter. Sometimes all you need are some words of encouragement to get you through the day. When a friend can't even do that it makes you wonder if they're really a friend at all.
Moving forward, I have a lot to look forward to. I'm going to see The Academy Is... on Friday. Within the next few weeks I'm going to start and finish my Christmas shopping. I have flower pots to make and presents to wrap. LIGHTS is coming to Kitchener in the beginning of December and I'm hoping to go to that.
I've also recently attended a friend's Birthday party in Mississauga. By doing so I reconnected with an old acquaintance and have received an invite to another party at the end of the month. I'm looking forward to going and making new friends and having good times.
That's it for now. I need to make my hair and face presentable for my first day of work.
Later Days
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