I used to be a huge fan of the hit TLC show Jon and Kate Puls 8. I thought their kids were adorable and loved watching them every week on my television screen. I have seen every episode of the show with an exception of the newest season.
Like many I assumed that Kate was a piece of work and couldn't imagine how Jon had put up with her for so long. She was naggy and often talked down to her husband on national television. I sympathized with him and even found him to be an attractive man.
When they first announced their divorce I was very skeptical and assumed it was just a big hoax to bring in ratings for the show. It seems to be pretty real though as they are no longer living togeather in their Pennsylvania home with their children at the same time. In addition to that their lives have been made even more public than they already were. Every time I turn around Jon or Kate have been speaking to the media about their relationship and the details of their seperation. It used to be that Jon was the quiet one but it seems that he and his new 22 year old girlfriend (who is a year older than me, might I add) seem to be quite the fame whores.
I am sick and tired of seeing Jon's face every time I decide to go to http://www.perezhilton.com. It seems that the man just cannot keep his mouth shut and what comes out of it doens't seem to be too inteligent either. He has been shamelessly partying with younger girls who are the same age as college students and parading about like a single man with no responsibilities, while his soon to be ex wife is only ever seen with her eight children. It could just be that the media is very one sided in Kate's favour but when your fame is owed to being a father of eight I feel that for the sake of your kids that keeping a low profile is a good idea.
It seems to me that both Jon and Kate are treating their children like a business instead of a family. It would have been nice to see them put the show on hold for a year and work out their problems in private. That way they would have the opportunity to come to the show if they felt it was the best option for their family with a new take on things. I just don't see how it could possibly be beneficial for their children to see their parents trashing each other and acting like immature high school students all over the internet.
To top it all I recieved an e-mail from my boyfriend last night that I read this morning. Apparently for the low price of $40 you can now own a porn parady of the show entitled "Jon and Kate Fuck Eight". The premise of the porn flick is that Jon and Kate go to couples therepy and are instucted to have sex with a whole mess of people to save their marriage. (http://www.popcrunch.com/jon-kate-plus-8-porn-parody/) I'm sure their kids will look forward to one day seeing that as well.
Later Days
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