Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Adventures of Captain Love Lies and Her Space Ship

I caved when I should have stood my ground. I was gullible and naieve. They are happy and have gotten their way, but they wont feel that way for long. It feels like the blame has been wrongfully shifted to me. They see them selves in the clear, but I am the only one seeing clearly here. For the first time my vision is 20/20.

I've taken a step back to check out my surroundings. I think I'm going to get back into my space ship and blast off to another galaxy. This one isn't stable. The air is thick with deception and destruction. Every man for himself clearly hasn't worked for this planet so I'll find one that values a good partnership.

Nothing is perfect but this planet is beyond saving. There isn't a worth while life form for miles. I'm sure at one point it was a beautiful place to live, but it's inhabitants took it for granted. Now they can live with the mess they've created. I guess it's true when they say you don't know a good thing until it's gone.

Here come the beings of this planet. I better blast off to avoid being captive. These beings suck the life out of you with a straw and consume your sould for dessert.

Always and Forever

Captain Love Lies

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