Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning?

Yesterday I ventured out on an hour and a half journey by bus to visit a friend in Kitchener for the day. On occaison I like to people watch, with an hour and a half with nothing to do but sit, it tends to be a legitimate pass time. The bus always proves to be the perfect setting for people watching as there are always some colourful characters looking to get where they need to be.

On my journey home though I got to thinking about my life versus the lives of my fellow passengers. I worry that in twenty years time, I will still be in the same position as some of the other passengers. When does it stop being exceptable to be riding the bus and making little to no money? I'm 21 but I'm not a student. I'm not doing anything to better my life in anyway.

I'm scared that this is as good as it gets for me. Working entry level jobs, having little to no money with a good chunk of debt and nothing to show for it. Someday I would like to own a house. You can't own a house when you make $10.50 an hour. You can't get a higher paying job unless you go to college. You can't go to college unless you have money to pay for it.

I'm 21 and most 21 year olds don't worry about these things. They work their entry level positions to get their $600 pay cheques. The problem is that theese positions do not have room for growth and opportunity. Before you know it 21 becomes 31 and you're in the same spot working the same kind of shit jobs you were working when you were fresh out of high school. I do not want to be working in a call center for the rest of my life.

Today I start my new job, which is in a call center. I haven't worked in 5 months and I'm looking forward to gaving some change to jingle in my pocket. I have to wonder though if this job was the light at the end of a long and dark tunnel or if it's really just the beginning of the end.

Later Days


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