Monday, May 25, 2009

Spring Inbox Cleaning

I am an e-mail saver. I opt not to delete messages fron family and friends so that I can re read it when I'm bored. Recently I went through and deleted all of my old messages minus a handful.

I had kept every e-mail that my boyfriend had ever sent me. It was strange to go back and read through our old conversations. Most were pleasant, some were not.

There was one that I kept. It was asking me things that I never ended up needing to follow through on. I find it interesting to compare our relationship now to how it was when he sat down and wrote that e-mail. I don't know why I kept it. It wasn't filled with sweet nothings or something of a similar nature. It was of a rather serious nature. Maybe I kept it because it said that he loved me.

Funny how my brain works sometimes.

Later Days

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