So, maybe I wasn't really killed by the swine flu and came back as a Zombie and really just wanted to show off my pro makeup abilities. I wanted to test it out to make sure it looked good before I committed to being a Zombie for Halloween. I can proudly say that I did the whole thing myself, even the wound! (Liquid Latex, paper towel, makeup and fake blood).
I did, however, have the flu and was really sick. It was a horrible experience that I would not wish onto anyone else. My whole body ached, I had terrible head aches, I was freezing cold but my skin would burn if you touched it. I had a sore throat and nausea. Then I got a runny nose and a terrible cough. I was gagging on flem and then throwing up as a result. My ribs were in so much pain from coughing so much. It was brutal.
I'm about a week in and today is the first day that I can honestly say I feel like myself. I still have a bit of a sore throat and a barking cough, but I'm well enough to return to my place of employment tomorrow. Doctors are recommending that if you have the flu that you don't rush to their offices, hospitals or clinics to seek treatment unless it's severe. They're advising people to stay home and ride it out.
I typically don't get sick. I have allergies, or I'll get a cold every now and then, but I'm even immune to hang overs. It's a beautiful thing. To get the flu was such a foreign concept to me. Before the worst had come I was on a bus in Waterloo Friday morning on my way to a job interview. I need to cough so I covered my mouth with my had and did just that. An elderly woman in front of me glared at me and shook it her head at me. When it was time for me to exit the bus she cornered me in my seat and blocked the aisle so know one could exit the bus. She points her finger at me and scolds me for not covering my mouth the proper way when I cough.
The whole bus is now glaring at me with the old lady who must be in her 70's. I inform her that I did in fact cover my mouth as I always do. She gives another dirty look and finally exits the bus. For what ever reason her need to reprimand me seemed very offensive. I always cover my mouth and use hand sanitizer right after coughing or sneezing. Apparently the correct way is to cough into the nook behind your elbow. I didn't think it mattered if I was using sanitizer.
I was furious that this woman felt the need to center me out in front of so many people. I instantly text messaged the bazaar story to my friends and family informing them of what had happened and being the horrible person that I am I followed it with "I hope I gave her swine flu" only finding it amusing because I assumed it was just a cold.
I get home that afternoon and am sicker than sick and feel like death. I don't know if this is a result of karma or not but I wanted to set the record straight for my friend karma. I did not honestly wish for this old woman to get swine flu or to contract it through me. I would not honestly wish any type of flu on anyone.
Later Days