Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Difficult People

There will always be that one person who will always get the best of you. They know just what buttons to push and how to push them. Some times they don't even have to try. Their presence alone can cause your blood to boil.

When conflict arises with anyone else I try to handle the situation like an adult. I choose to use big words instead of cusses. I talk things over with the party in question, compermise if needed and come to a resolution. When it comes to this difficult person none of my usual conflict resolutions tactics seem to work. They are stubborn, cruel, frustrating and persistant. They always get the last word and they always win.

I find that I become the worst possible version of myself when they are around. I am not a violent person but I find myselff wondering thatt if violence is the answer in this case. How can I maintain my composure and not let this person get to me.

They are a bully and know just how to twist things. They can play innocent well and deceiving others is what they do best. They may not be inteligent but they know how to work the system to their advantage. You're hopeless and they know it.

How do you deal with the difficult people in your life?

Later Days

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