F My Life
Today, my boyfriend and I were starting to have sex. I get on top of him, lean down to kiss him, and he begins to laugh. Puzzled, I ask him why. He tells me that when I'm naked and on top of him, I remind him of a cow, with 'udders' . Offended, I go to get off. 'No no' he protests, 'a SEXY cow'. FML
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
His girl Friday's Weekend Kick Off Song
Hola readers. I know... I'm late, but did you honestly think my on time streak would last? My brother feels that helping to choose the weekend kick off song is he job. I thought I'd humour him and let him pick again this weekend. This weekend I give you some local talent from Kitchener.
Robot - The Dog Bus
Jules McKools(17) and Jakey McSpankey(11) are real life brothers from Kitchener. They've been making videos and music as The Dog Bus since 2006. I remember a few years ago my brother was desperetly trying to find this dog bus website his cousin told him about. Think it was a kids website and not a band my mother searched and couldn't find it. I eventually found it and checked out their myspace and instantly fell in love with Robot. I think the song is helariously awesome. I love robots nd this song just pumps you up.
The boys recently did an awesome job on muchmusic's disband. They haven't been signed to a lable yet but I'm sure great things are in the near future for them. It's strange because I used to see Jules McKools at concerts I go to like a sum 41 show at elements a few years ago andd thinking it was odd that I watch that kid on youtube. Now We're all watching him on tv.
You can check out their myspace by going to www.myspace.com/rockindogbus
I promise next week we'll be back to my usual grown up tastes (Well, as grown up as I can be) If the boys from the dog bus are reading this and they want to send me the song robot as a thank you for helping to spread the word... I would appreciate it. My brother is harassing me for it. :-)
Later Days
Hola readers. I know... I'm late, but did you honestly think my on time streak would last? My brother feels that helping to choose the weekend kick off song is he job. I thought I'd humour him and let him pick again this weekend. This weekend I give you some local talent from Kitchener.
Robot - The Dog Bus
Jules McKools(17) and Jakey McSpankey(11) are real life brothers from Kitchener. They've been making videos and music as The Dog Bus since 2006. I remember a few years ago my brother was desperetly trying to find this dog bus website his cousin told him about. Think it was a kids website and not a band my mother searched and couldn't find it. I eventually found it and checked out their myspace and instantly fell in love with Robot. I think the song is helariously awesome. I love robots nd this song just pumps you up.
The boys recently did an awesome job on muchmusic's disband. They haven't been signed to a lable yet but I'm sure great things are in the near future for them. It's strange because I used to see Jules McKools at concerts I go to like a sum 41 show at elements a few years ago andd thinking it was odd that I watch that kid on youtube. Now We're all watching him on tv.
You can check out their myspace by going to www.myspace.com/rockindogbus
I promise next week we'll be back to my usual grown up tastes (Well, as grown up as I can be) If the boys from the dog bus are reading this and they want to send me the song robot as a thank you for helping to spread the word... I would appreciate it. My brother is harassing me for it. :-)
Later Days
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Next Chapter
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. As of today I have closed a chapter in my life that I was not particuly fond of. Tomorow is filled opportunity. I have a job interview and Nicole, Courtney and myself will start to write our book. Good things are on my horizon. Lets go out, celebrate and get stupid! Here's to tomorrow!
Later days
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. As of today I have closed a chapter in my life that I was not particuly fond of. Tomorow is filled opportunity. I have a job interview and Nicole, Courtney and myself will start to write our book. Good things are on my horizon. Lets go out, celebrate and get stupid! Here's to tomorrow!
Later days
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I had a dream last night that I actually remembered. Micheal Meyers came to an over nighter and killed everyone but me. He then proceded to take a pan of lasanga and smear its contents all over the walls. He then took the empty pan and whipped it at the floor.
I woke up sweaty and scared. When I think about it though it seems pretty comical. What does it mean? I think i'm going to make it a video and have friends act it out... put it on youtube.
Later Days
I had a dream last night that I actually remembered. Micheal Meyers came to an over nighter and killed everyone but me. He then proceded to take a pan of lasanga and smear its contents all over the walls. He then took the empty pan and whipped it at the floor.
I woke up sweaty and scared. When I think about it though it seems pretty comical. What does it mean? I think i'm going to make it a video and have friends act it out... put it on youtube.
Later Days
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sing, sing a song!
I think it's pretty cool when you surprise your self with how much of a song you can actually sing along t without making a mistake. It's amazing how many longs and melodies and lyrics that we actually know and can sing along to without notice. It's incredible how much knowledge the human mind can actually hold.
Later Days
I think it's pretty cool when you surprise your self with how much of a song you can actually sing along t without making a mistake. It's amazing how many longs and melodies and lyrics that we actually know and can sing along to without notice. It's incredible how much knowledge the human mind can actually hold.
Later Days
A Twist In My Story
After a phone conversation that ended badly, 5 days of silence, a phone conversation filled with tears and a potential end to our relationship, a forward and not so nice conversation between one of my best friends and my boyfriend followed by another telephone conversation, I think I can safely say things have been smoothed over between my boyfriend and I.
He showed up on my door step at 12 midnight on Thursday night/Friday morning. He held three flowers in his hand that he had picked because there wasn't anymore open that had flowers this late at night. (My friend NB instantly informed me that Sobey's is 24 hours and you can get flowers there upon hearing this story. Apparently these are things girls just know lol.) He had driven from Niagara Falls. He had intended on staying the night and then crossing the boarder on Friday for the blink-182 concert in buffalo. He said the last time he was in Niagara was with me. Being there only made him sad, lonely and miss me.
I assumed that he wanted to talk and suggested we go for a walk. Instead we slow danced in the parking lot and went to sobeys so he could buy a wrap and ice cream. I got an Arizona Ice Tea out of the deal so it worked for me. He spent the night and was asleep by two and back on the road by one today for the blink-182 show in Buffalo. He apologized several times during his brief stay. He was worried to leave me because of the state we had been in recently. He called me from Buffalo to check in. He picked me up a blink-182 tote bag. I collect tote bags from various bands. His sweet gesture was surprising and appreciated. It feels nice to be special; to know that you matter to someone else.
A friend from High School has recently come back into my life. We've always talked off and on but it's been steady for the past few months. I'm usually his go to girl for advice. He trusts my opinion because when it comes to his life I am always right. When he goes against what I advice he later comes to regret it. I'm not sure why this is, but I jokingly refer to it as 'my gift' with him. I was suppose to meet up with him this evening but blew him off to go to NB's place and hang out there for a few hours. He messages me later asking to talk. he proceeds to tell me about issues with an ex girl friend. When finished his tale he says, "Would you like to hear my other problem?" His follow up to that is: "I'm falling for you."
Sadly my advice only works when I can give it without being biast. What an awkward position to be in, wouldn't you say?
Later Days
After a phone conversation that ended badly, 5 days of silence, a phone conversation filled with tears and a potential end to our relationship, a forward and not so nice conversation between one of my best friends and my boyfriend followed by another telephone conversation, I think I can safely say things have been smoothed over between my boyfriend and I.
He showed up on my door step at 12 midnight on Thursday night/Friday morning. He held three flowers in his hand that he had picked because there wasn't anymore open that had flowers this late at night. (My friend NB instantly informed me that Sobey's is 24 hours and you can get flowers there upon hearing this story. Apparently these are things girls just know lol.) He had driven from Niagara Falls. He had intended on staying the night and then crossing the boarder on Friday for the blink-182 concert in buffalo. He said the last time he was in Niagara was with me. Being there only made him sad, lonely and miss me.
I assumed that he wanted to talk and suggested we go for a walk. Instead we slow danced in the parking lot and went to sobeys so he could buy a wrap and ice cream. I got an Arizona Ice Tea out of the deal so it worked for me. He spent the night and was asleep by two and back on the road by one today for the blink-182 show in Buffalo. He apologized several times during his brief stay. He was worried to leave me because of the state we had been in recently. He called me from Buffalo to check in. He picked me up a blink-182 tote bag. I collect tote bags from various bands. His sweet gesture was surprising and appreciated. It feels nice to be special; to know that you matter to someone else.
A friend from High School has recently come back into my life. We've always talked off and on but it's been steady for the past few months. I'm usually his go to girl for advice. He trusts my opinion because when it comes to his life I am always right. When he goes against what I advice he later comes to regret it. I'm not sure why this is, but I jokingly refer to it as 'my gift' with him. I was suppose to meet up with him this evening but blew him off to go to NB's place and hang out there for a few hours. He messages me later asking to talk. he proceeds to tell me about issues with an ex girl friend. When finished his tale he says, "Would you like to hear my other problem?" His follow up to that is: "I'm falling for you."
Sadly my advice only works when I can give it without being biast. What an awkward position to be in, wouldn't you say?
Later Days
Friday, August 21, 2009
His girl Friday's Weekend Kick Off Song
Hello my faithful readers. I'm getting good at the whole posting on time thing. It seems like a pretty mellow day so I thought I'd give you soemthing a little more laid back this weekend. Every weekend doesn't need to be a party, although most of mine will be spent on the beach ;-) Today I give you:
I Want You - Kings of Leon
I don't really have many friends that dig thsi song like I do, but I'm sure you'll love it. he third verse is my favorite. I have my theories that it's about a sex tape. What do you think?
Homeboy's so proud, he´s finally got the video proof
The night vision showed she was only duckin the truth
It's heavy I know, the black cat with the gift down below
A choke and a gag, she spit up n came back for more
Any ways, enjoy your weekend.
Later Days
Hello my faithful readers. I'm getting good at the whole posting on time thing. It seems like a pretty mellow day so I thought I'd give you soemthing a little more laid back this weekend. Every weekend doesn't need to be a party, although most of mine will be spent on the beach ;-) Today I give you:
I Want You - Kings of Leon
I don't really have many friends that dig thsi song like I do, but I'm sure you'll love it. he third verse is my favorite. I have my theories that it's about a sex tape. What do you think?
Homeboy's so proud, he´s finally got the video proof
The night vision showed she was only duckin the truth
It's heavy I know, the black cat with the gift down below
A choke and a gag, she spit up n came back for more
Any ways, enjoy your weekend.
Later Days
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Difficult People
There will always be that one person who will always get the best of you. They know just what buttons to push and how to push them. Some times they don't even have to try. Their presence alone can cause your blood to boil.
When conflict arises with anyone else I try to handle the situation like an adult. I choose to use big words instead of cusses. I talk things over with the party in question, compermise if needed and come to a resolution. When it comes to this difficult person none of my usual conflict resolutions tactics seem to work. They are stubborn, cruel, frustrating and persistant. They always get the last word and they always win.
I find that I become the worst possible version of myself when they are around. I am not a violent person but I find myselff wondering thatt if violence is the answer in this case. How can I maintain my composure and not let this person get to me.
They are a bully and know just how to twist things. They can play innocent well and deceiving others is what they do best. They may not be inteligent but they know how to work the system to their advantage. You're hopeless and they know it.
How do you deal with the difficult people in your life?
Later Days
There will always be that one person who will always get the best of you. They know just what buttons to push and how to push them. Some times they don't even have to try. Their presence alone can cause your blood to boil.
When conflict arises with anyone else I try to handle the situation like an adult. I choose to use big words instead of cusses. I talk things over with the party in question, compermise if needed and come to a resolution. When it comes to this difficult person none of my usual conflict resolutions tactics seem to work. They are stubborn, cruel, frustrating and persistant. They always get the last word and they always win.
I find that I become the worst possible version of myself when they are around. I am not a violent person but I find myselff wondering thatt if violence is the answer in this case. How can I maintain my composure and not let this person get to me.
They are a bully and know just how to twist things. They can play innocent well and deceiving others is what they do best. They may not be inteligent but they know how to work the system to their advantage. You're hopeless and they know it.
How do you deal with the difficult people in your life?
Later Days
Monday, August 17, 2009
I'm sitting on the edge of my seat.
Four days feels like 4 weeks.
I feel uneasy and unsure.
I'm rethinking my last words.
I'm rethinking your last words.
My heart beats faster.
I jump at every ring from a phone.
I check my e-mail regularly.
I can't be the first to call.
My mind jumps to the worst possibilitiess.
The things I do to keep my pride...
I'm sitting on the edge of my seat.
Four days feels like 4 weeks.
I feel uneasy and unsure.
I'm rethinking my last words.
I'm rethinking your last words.
My heart beats faster.
I jump at every ring from a phone.
I check my e-mail regularly.
I can't be the first to call.
My mind jumps to the worst possibilitiess.
The things I do to keep my pride...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist
I have recently read Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan. The book takes place in New York City and follows the two main character's, Nick and Norah, on their adventure of a night.
I had originally fell in love with the movie for it's music background and witty banter and decided to read the book. The characters for the most part but I found that the book and movie were very different. A lot of times a movie seems to suck after reading the book it was based on but because the differences were so obvious it was like they were only really connected by their name. I still watch the movie on a nightly basis.
What I love most about the book is its unique writing style. The book has two authors, Rachel Cohn and David Levithan. The book is written in the first person perspective from both main characters. The first chapter would be written by Cohn from Norah's perspective and he second chapter by Levithan from Nick's perspective and so on and so fourth. I found that it was a really interesting way to view the story from the two different angles.
The book has a very hip lingo that at times is only known to New Yorkers as I had to gooogle some of it at times. The characters are colourful, vibrant and very relatable. It's a different kind of love story. The book is filled with such random things like queer-core bands, Tranny night clubs where nuns are stripping and a Salvatore's jacket that you at times forget about the love triangle that exists. It's cool to see two awkward and interesting youth having this connection and being unsure of how to act on it. Through out the book you watch it progress.
I loved Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. I recommend it to anyone who loves the scene, awkward and witty banter and characters who actually seem like real people.
Here is the link to where you can buy it on amazon.ca:
I have recently read Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan. The book takes place in New York City and follows the two main character's, Nick and Norah, on their adventure of a night.
I had originally fell in love with the movie for it's music background and witty banter and decided to read the book. The characters for the most part but I found that the book and movie were very different. A lot of times a movie seems to suck after reading the book it was based on but because the differences were so obvious it was like they were only really connected by their name. I still watch the movie on a nightly basis.
What I love most about the book is its unique writing style. The book has two authors, Rachel Cohn and David Levithan. The book is written in the first person perspective from both main characters. The first chapter would be written by Cohn from Norah's perspective and he second chapter by Levithan from Nick's perspective and so on and so fourth. I found that it was a really interesting way to view the story from the two different angles.
The book has a very hip lingo that at times is only known to New Yorkers as I had to gooogle some of it at times. The characters are colourful, vibrant and very relatable. It's a different kind of love story. The book is filled with such random things like queer-core bands, Tranny night clubs where nuns are stripping and a Salvatore's jacket that you at times forget about the love triangle that exists. It's cool to see two awkward and interesting youth having this connection and being unsure of how to act on it. Through out the book you watch it progress.
I loved Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. I recommend it to anyone who loves the scene, awkward and witty banter and characters who actually seem like real people.
Here is the link to where you can buy it on amazon.ca:
A Stoll In The Park
As my parents are enjoying a kid free weekend out on the lake, I am enjoying the company of my eight year old brother. My friend Sarah recently purchsed an exspensive camera so we decided to go to the park and take some pictures. I brought mine along as well, but my pictures don't quite measure up to hers.
We brought Myles along and I think he enjoyed himself. We first went to Riverside park in Preston. They've re-done it all since I was last there. They have a new jungle gym/play ground and a pretty impressive splash pad. It was kind of cool to watch Myles do his thing. After he was finished playing we went to Churchill Park and took pictures by the pond and checked out this old Water Mill. Myles climbed on rocks and splashed in the stream. Once the bugs started to come out we headed home.
I just thought I'd post some pictures I took. Once I get some of Sarah's I will post them as well.

Myles climbing on the playground

Foot Bridge At Riverside

Myles playing by the water at Riverside

The tree stump kind of looked like a heart

This is me standing on the tree stump. Myles took this picture.

Water at Riverside

This one was taken at Churchill Park

Myles befriending a duck

Water Mill at Churchill

Myles and I


Climbing the water mill

Happy Feet
That's all for now.
Later Days
As my parents are enjoying a kid free weekend out on the lake, I am enjoying the company of my eight year old brother. My friend Sarah recently purchsed an exspensive camera so we decided to go to the park and take some pictures. I brought mine along as well, but my pictures don't quite measure up to hers.
We brought Myles along and I think he enjoyed himself. We first went to Riverside park in Preston. They've re-done it all since I was last there. They have a new jungle gym/play ground and a pretty impressive splash pad. It was kind of cool to watch Myles do his thing. After he was finished playing we went to Churchill Park and took pictures by the pond and checked out this old Water Mill. Myles climbed on rocks and splashed in the stream. Once the bugs started to come out we headed home.
I just thought I'd post some pictures I took. Once I get some of Sarah's I will post them as well.

Myles climbing on the playground

Foot Bridge At Riverside

Myles playing by the water at Riverside

The tree stump kind of looked like a heart

This is me standing on the tree stump. Myles took this picture.

Water at Riverside

This one was taken at Churchill Park

Myles befriending a duck

Water Mill at Churchill

Myles and I


Climbing the water mill

Happy Feet
That's all for now.
Later Days
Friday, August 14, 2009
His girl Friday's Weekend Kick Off Song
It's Friday Pumpkin! That means it's time for me to give you another rad song to make your weekend amazingly amazing. Last night I was up until 6am doing all that is needed to make my mother a mix cd for her to have this weekend. I ended up making one for myself as well. This week I let my brother Myles pick your weekend kick off song from that mix. I think he's got some good taste.
I've Got A Feeling - The Black Eyed Peas
I also reccomed checking out the new cd from Cobra STarship entitled Hot Mess. It came out this past Tuesday.
Good Girls Go Bad - Cobra Starship ft Leighton Meester
Later Days
It's Friday Pumpkin! That means it's time for me to give you another rad song to make your weekend amazingly amazing. Last night I was up until 6am doing all that is needed to make my mother a mix cd for her to have this weekend. I ended up making one for myself as well. This week I let my brother Myles pick your weekend kick off song from that mix. I think he's got some good taste.
I've Got A Feeling - The Black Eyed Peas
I also reccomed checking out the new cd from Cobra STarship entitled Hot Mess. It came out this past Tuesday.
Good Girls Go Bad - Cobra Starship ft Leighton Meester
Later Days
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Long Live The Car Crash Hearts
Mothers and daughters don't always get along, especially through out the teen years. I am twenty one years old and my Mother and I do not always see eye to eye. We get angry at each other from time to time and on occasion we may say some hurtful things that we don't necessarily mean. Even though we don't have the closest relationship I still have respect for her and love her, because she is my Mother. You only get one family, and in my opinion family is something worth holding onto.
What I don't understand is how some people feel that they do not need family. They feel that they are better then other people and do not need the people who care about them most in their lives. Unless you are doing and thinking what is convenient for them they do not have a use for you. It is the job of your family members to tell you not what you want to hear but what you need to hear. They are there to help guide you through life. They love you and have your best interest at heart.
My youngest sister is going through a rebellious kind of stage. She prefers friends to family. She prefers to do what she wants when she wants to do it. She is not a fan of rules or anyone who tries to enforce them. She thinks of only her self and lacks the ability to see the big picture. Over the past three years she has made my Mother's life a living hell. Trying to do what is best for her troubled daughter my Mother has refused to give up on her despite how hurtful and out of control she gets.
Today, while she was out with some friends, my sister got into a car accident. She was sitting in the backseat. If I herd correctly the car that crashed into them is at fault. My sister was taken by ambulance to the hospital and arrived around 7:30pm. When she arrived she told the nurse specifically not to call my mother. Because she is 16 years of age now she has the right to choose not to notify my parents if something happens to her. Instead one of her friends called my other sister, who left work to be with her. Once she arrived at the hospital she notified my Mother, who dropped everything to be there for my youngest sister.
My Mother arrives at the hospital and is given a lot of grief from a nurse. When she is finally taken to my sister she finds her daughter lying in a bed or a stretcher or something wearing a neck brace. Being a concerned parent she begins to cry. Instead of being grateful that her Mother has come to her aid, my sister yells at my Mother for making a big deal out of nothing and states that this is why she did not want her called.
They take my sister in for x-rays. When asked to take out her tongue ring she is rude to the nurse or doctor who is assisting her. They decide that she is fine and it's just some whiplash and that she may be in pain tomorrow. The whole time she is in the hospital she swears and degrades my Mother. She says cruel and hurtful things to her and makes it very clear that she doesn't not care about our Mother and did not want her there. She decides that she is not coming home after being released and instead going to her friend's house to spend the night. She gets angry because neither my Mother or other sister will give her money to get McDonald's after she leaves. Her friends try to get my 19 year old sister to buy them cigarettes. They swear and smoke in the parking lot and the whole lot of them come off as being very trashy.
My Mother comes home to tell my Father and I what happened and begins to cry. She is incredibly upset and heart broken. I don't understand how someone could be so cruel to their own Mother. My Mother did not do anything wrong. She was concerned and scared for the safety of her daughter and her daughter basically spit in her face and made her look like a fool. I am in awe as to how she could find this behaviour acceptable. One day she will realise how good she had it and how much my parents and siblings loved her and it will be too late.
Please do not take your family for granted. They are all you have and you cannot replace them. Be grateful for those in your life who love and care for you and do your best to return that love.
Later Days
Mothers and daughters don't always get along, especially through out the teen years. I am twenty one years old and my Mother and I do not always see eye to eye. We get angry at each other from time to time and on occasion we may say some hurtful things that we don't necessarily mean. Even though we don't have the closest relationship I still have respect for her and love her, because she is my Mother. You only get one family, and in my opinion family is something worth holding onto.
What I don't understand is how some people feel that they do not need family. They feel that they are better then other people and do not need the people who care about them most in their lives. Unless you are doing and thinking what is convenient for them they do not have a use for you. It is the job of your family members to tell you not what you want to hear but what you need to hear. They are there to help guide you through life. They love you and have your best interest at heart.
My youngest sister is going through a rebellious kind of stage. She prefers friends to family. She prefers to do what she wants when she wants to do it. She is not a fan of rules or anyone who tries to enforce them. She thinks of only her self and lacks the ability to see the big picture. Over the past three years she has made my Mother's life a living hell. Trying to do what is best for her troubled daughter my Mother has refused to give up on her despite how hurtful and out of control she gets.
Today, while she was out with some friends, my sister got into a car accident. She was sitting in the backseat. If I herd correctly the car that crashed into them is at fault. My sister was taken by ambulance to the hospital and arrived around 7:30pm. When she arrived she told the nurse specifically not to call my mother. Because she is 16 years of age now she has the right to choose not to notify my parents if something happens to her. Instead one of her friends called my other sister, who left work to be with her. Once she arrived at the hospital she notified my Mother, who dropped everything to be there for my youngest sister.
My Mother arrives at the hospital and is given a lot of grief from a nurse. When she is finally taken to my sister she finds her daughter lying in a bed or a stretcher or something wearing a neck brace. Being a concerned parent she begins to cry. Instead of being grateful that her Mother has come to her aid, my sister yells at my Mother for making a big deal out of nothing and states that this is why she did not want her called.
They take my sister in for x-rays. When asked to take out her tongue ring she is rude to the nurse or doctor who is assisting her. They decide that she is fine and it's just some whiplash and that she may be in pain tomorrow. The whole time she is in the hospital she swears and degrades my Mother. She says cruel and hurtful things to her and makes it very clear that she doesn't not care about our Mother and did not want her there. She decides that she is not coming home after being released and instead going to her friend's house to spend the night. She gets angry because neither my Mother or other sister will give her money to get McDonald's after she leaves. Her friends try to get my 19 year old sister to buy them cigarettes. They swear and smoke in the parking lot and the whole lot of them come off as being very trashy.
My Mother comes home to tell my Father and I what happened and begins to cry. She is incredibly upset and heart broken. I don't understand how someone could be so cruel to their own Mother. My Mother did not do anything wrong. She was concerned and scared for the safety of her daughter and her daughter basically spit in her face and made her look like a fool. I am in awe as to how she could find this behaviour acceptable. One day she will realise how good she had it and how much my parents and siblings loved her and it will be too late.
Please do not take your family for granted. They are all you have and you cannot replace them. Be grateful for those in your life who love and care for you and do your best to return that love.
Later Days
Friday, August 07, 2009
His girl Friday's Weekend Kick Off Song
Always by blink-182
First Date by blink-182
I'm sure it's no surprise that blink-182 is what I offer you today for an awesome weekend. I don't feel the need to convince you that they're an awesome band or give you a big history of the band. They made pop punk what it is today. There are so many bands that started making music because they were influenced by blink-182. After a five year hiattus they are back on tour. If you have the chance to see them I strongly encourage you to do so. I will be seeing them for the first time tomorrow night.
Later Days
Always by blink-182
First Date by blink-182
I'm sure it's no surprise that blink-182 is what I offer you today for an awesome weekend. I don't feel the need to convince you that they're an awesome band or give you a big history of the band. They made pop punk what it is today. There are so many bands that started making music because they were influenced by blink-182. After a five year hiattus they are back on tour. If you have the chance to see them I strongly encourage you to do so. I will be seeing them for the first time tomorrow night.
Later Days
Ever get the feeling that you've let down everyone around you? It takes the simplest of this to upset a large groups of people and when I do it I don't even have to try. Within 30 minutes I upset my uncle, mother and my little brother. I decided that when I created this blog that it would be something with substinance and that I wouldn't rant about my life like I did on my myspace blog. I would write about things without making it too personal. I'm sure that I am breaking that with this entry, but rules were ment to be broken sometimes, right?
I was suppose to go for a job interview today. I told my mom about it yesterday and she said she'd make arrangement for Myles. I didn't hear anymore on it. I have a cold or something. I woke up every hour and needed to blow my nose or cough or something. I checked my e-mail around 11:30 and lucky for me the man doing my interview had business out of the office that had come up and needed to rescedule our interview for the 18th of August. With intention of just lying on my bed for a moment or two I fell back asleep.
Just after 12pm I am woken up by the sound of our door bell. I walk up to answer it and it is my uncle, wanting to pick up my brother. I feel disoriented as I open the door. He immediately seems flusted. I tell him that I don't have to go any more but I can run up and get Myles and he can still take him if he wants. He expresses his frustration that know one had told him and that he waited around and then leaves.
I go downstairs to retrieve my phone to message my Mother to let her know. I send her the message and then begin to fold the load of clothes that were in the dryer. After receiving my message she called my uncle who expressed his frustration with the situatuion to her. She calls me back and is quite angry herself.
She tells me how angry my Uncle is and how I am not a child. She tells me that I am not dependable and because of this my Uncle will never take my brother again, that he is a grown amn and not a teenager I can screw around, amung other things. I had never thought of my uncle as a teeneage and have only ever had respect for him. The phone goes fuzzy for a few moments and I cannot hear her rage any more so I hang up the phone. She then messages me and instructs me to make it right with my uncle, which I had inteded on doing any way, and says that if I cannot at least do that than I can get out of her home.
At this point in time I feel pretty bad. I've upset my uncle and wasted his day and my mother has torn a strip off of me and threated to kick me out again. Just as I am finishing my apology e-mail to my Uncle about 30 minuted after he has left my brother walks down the stairs fully dressed with a smile on his face, wanting to know when he was going to his cousin's house to play. Turns out he was awake and dressed when my uncle come and was in his room watching Bolt. I explain to him the situation and tell him that he will not be going and he instantly goes from happy to sad and cries because he isn't going.
I instantly go from pretty bad to feeling like a horrible person. I don't know what to do to make it right. Within a matter of 30 minutes I've upset and angered three people that I love and care about very much without any intention of doing so. I don't really see or speak with any of my extended family anymore. I used to be really close with my uncle but I got older and my cousin and brother were born and life got in the way. Now we barily speak. I used to be somesome they could be proud of but I'm not anymore. I feel like a big disappointment because I had potention and wasted it. It just kind of rubs it in that when I do get the chance to see my family I upset them and make it obvious whjy they don't need me any more. I'm home all the time and they would sooner pay a babysitter than ask me to do it for free, because I would in a heart beat.
It may be too late for my family but it isn't for my brother. He still loves me and looks up to me and it doesn't take much to win him over. He hasn't figured out that I'm not cool yet. Your WKOS will be posted in a few hours, I'm going to go hang out with my brother.

Later Days
Ever get the feeling that you've let down everyone around you? It takes the simplest of this to upset a large groups of people and when I do it I don't even have to try. Within 30 minutes I upset my uncle, mother and my little brother. I decided that when I created this blog that it would be something with substinance and that I wouldn't rant about my life like I did on my myspace blog. I would write about things without making it too personal. I'm sure that I am breaking that with this entry, but rules were ment to be broken sometimes, right?
I was suppose to go for a job interview today. I told my mom about it yesterday and she said she'd make arrangement for Myles. I didn't hear anymore on it. I have a cold or something. I woke up every hour and needed to blow my nose or cough or something. I checked my e-mail around 11:30 and lucky for me the man doing my interview had business out of the office that had come up and needed to rescedule our interview for the 18th of August. With intention of just lying on my bed for a moment or two I fell back asleep.
Just after 12pm I am woken up by the sound of our door bell. I walk up to answer it and it is my uncle, wanting to pick up my brother. I feel disoriented as I open the door. He immediately seems flusted. I tell him that I don't have to go any more but I can run up and get Myles and he can still take him if he wants. He expresses his frustration that know one had told him and that he waited around and then leaves.
I go downstairs to retrieve my phone to message my Mother to let her know. I send her the message and then begin to fold the load of clothes that were in the dryer. After receiving my message she called my uncle who expressed his frustration with the situatuion to her. She calls me back and is quite angry herself.
She tells me how angry my Uncle is and how I am not a child. She tells me that I am not dependable and because of this my Uncle will never take my brother again, that he is a grown amn and not a teenager I can screw around, amung other things. I had never thought of my uncle as a teeneage and have only ever had respect for him. The phone goes fuzzy for a few moments and I cannot hear her rage any more so I hang up the phone. She then messages me and instructs me to make it right with my uncle, which I had inteded on doing any way, and says that if I cannot at least do that than I can get out of her home.
At this point in time I feel pretty bad. I've upset my uncle and wasted his day and my mother has torn a strip off of me and threated to kick me out again. Just as I am finishing my apology e-mail to my Uncle about 30 minuted after he has left my brother walks down the stairs fully dressed with a smile on his face, wanting to know when he was going to his cousin's house to play. Turns out he was awake and dressed when my uncle come and was in his room watching Bolt. I explain to him the situation and tell him that he will not be going and he instantly goes from happy to sad and cries because he isn't going.
I instantly go from pretty bad to feeling like a horrible person. I don't know what to do to make it right. Within a matter of 30 minutes I've upset and angered three people that I love and care about very much without any intention of doing so. I don't really see or speak with any of my extended family anymore. I used to be really close with my uncle but I got older and my cousin and brother were born and life got in the way. Now we barily speak. I used to be somesome they could be proud of but I'm not anymore. I feel like a big disappointment because I had potention and wasted it. It just kind of rubs it in that when I do get the chance to see my family I upset them and make it obvious whjy they don't need me any more. I'm home all the time and they would sooner pay a babysitter than ask me to do it for free, because I would in a heart beat.
It may be too late for my family but it isn't for my brother. He still loves me and looks up to me and it doesn't take much to win him over. He hasn't figured out that I'm not cool yet. Your WKOS will be posted in a few hours, I'm going to go hang out with my brother.

Later Days
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
What's My Age Again?
Eleven years ago I fell in love with a band called blink-182. We were on our way home fromt he boat going over a little bridge in Simcoe, ON by a school the first time I herd What's My Age Again by Blink-182 on the radio. Their cd, Ennema of the State, was the first one I actually paid for with my own money. Blink-182 introduced me to a whole world of bands and turned me into the music lover I am today.
After this Saturday I can finally say that I have been to a blink-182 concert. I don't even have a seat. I paid $20 for a lawn ticket that I bought off a guy on kijiji. His aunt passed away and he needed to sell his tickets. I feel bad that I got a great deal on tickets from his misfortune, but I am thankful for this opportunity.
Mark Hoppus is my hero. I will finally get the chance to see him play with the band that made him who he is today. Life is good.
Eleven years ago I fell in love with a band called blink-182. We were on our way home fromt he boat going over a little bridge in Simcoe, ON by a school the first time I herd What's My Age Again by Blink-182 on the radio. Their cd, Ennema of the State, was the first one I actually paid for with my own money. Blink-182 introduced me to a whole world of bands and turned me into the music lover I am today.
After this Saturday I can finally say that I have been to a blink-182 concert. I don't even have a seat. I paid $20 for a lawn ticket that I bought off a guy on kijiji. His aunt passed away and he needed to sell his tickets. I feel bad that I got a great deal on tickets from his misfortune, but I am thankful for this opportunity.
Mark Hoppus is my hero. I will finally get the chance to see him play with the band that made him who he is today. Life is good.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
The Dog Days Of Summer
The door bell rings shortly after ten. Assuming it is my boyfriend as he said he would be here early I lazily walk up and open the door in my pyjamas. Our yorkie mix, Milo, happily jumps out onto the front step to greet two woment holding coffee and Tim Horton's bags who are looking for Kelly. I assume they are talking about my Mother and say no, she's not here. Milo quickly decides he's grown bored of these women who aren't paying him any attention. I call him back put he doesn't listen. The women again ask for Kelly as my dog is now running down the stairs and into the parking lot. I push past the women, leaving the door to my house open, and tell them as I run that she is gone for the weekend.
I chase Milo through the parking lot. He is a much faster runner than I am. He stops on the bulevard for a second to sniff a pole and then runs across the street barily missing the truck of our old neighbour as he drives down the street. I follow him across the street into someones drive way. I chased him around their mini van for a few laps before he decided to hide underneath their car. I slowly make my way towards the front of the car when he darts past me and heads for the unfenced back yard which as a gigantic slope leading somewhere else.
As I chase after Milo as little boy looks on with amusement. I call out to Milo and the little boy tells me he's hiding in the backyard. I quickly find him hiding in a pink playschool kitchen curled up in a ball trying to hide from me. I quickly grab the oversized yorkie and carrying him under my right arm and head back home, apologizing to the home owners who are staring at the awkard sight that is me emerging from their back yard. I head back home in my pyjamas, bare foot, carring this dog.
As I approach my unit in our complex I see the two women heading up the stairs for unit 13 talking about how funny it was that they could go to the wrong door and there would be a Kelly living there also. I hope I've given them a good story to pass along to their friend Kelly. Assuming that I have a good anecdote of my own I relay the story to my boyfriend who calls me shortly afterwards. His only response was: "You left the door wide open!?!?"
Later Days
The door bell rings shortly after ten. Assuming it is my boyfriend as he said he would be here early I lazily walk up and open the door in my pyjamas. Our yorkie mix, Milo, happily jumps out onto the front step to greet two woment holding coffee and Tim Horton's bags who are looking for Kelly. I assume they are talking about my Mother and say no, she's not here. Milo quickly decides he's grown bored of these women who aren't paying him any attention. I call him back put he doesn't listen. The women again ask for Kelly as my dog is now running down the stairs and into the parking lot. I push past the women, leaving the door to my house open, and tell them as I run that she is gone for the weekend.
I chase Milo through the parking lot. He is a much faster runner than I am. He stops on the bulevard for a second to sniff a pole and then runs across the street barily missing the truck of our old neighbour as he drives down the street. I follow him across the street into someones drive way. I chased him around their mini van for a few laps before he decided to hide underneath their car. I slowly make my way towards the front of the car when he darts past me and heads for the unfenced back yard which as a gigantic slope leading somewhere else.
As I chase after Milo as little boy looks on with amusement. I call out to Milo and the little boy tells me he's hiding in the backyard. I quickly find him hiding in a pink playschool kitchen curled up in a ball trying to hide from me. I quickly grab the oversized yorkie and carrying him under my right arm and head back home, apologizing to the home owners who are staring at the awkard sight that is me emerging from their back yard. I head back home in my pyjamas, bare foot, carring this dog.
As I approach my unit in our complex I see the two women heading up the stairs for unit 13 talking about how funny it was that they could go to the wrong door and there would be a Kelly living there also. I hope I've given them a good story to pass along to their friend Kelly. Assuming that I have a good anecdote of my own I relay the story to my boyfriend who calls me shortly afterwards. His only response was: "You left the door wide open!?!?"
Later Days
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