Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One Life To Live

You are required to make a series of choices, take various risks and do certain things in order to live your life. What I decide could differ greatly from the choices you might have made if you were in my shoes. I make these choices knowing that I will have to deal with the out come regaurdless if the end result is good or bad.

Sometimes I will make mistakes, but that's another crutial part of life aswell. I will learn valuable lessons from the mistakes I make and it will shape me as a person. There are things I wish I had done differently, but ultimately I don't have any major regrets. When things aren't working I will make changes. I will live and learn.

People need to stop providing unwanted advice and passing judgements because someone is doing it differently. As long as they aren't hurting any one, how does what they do affect you in any way? If you don't like it, don't stick around to watch it unfold. If someone needs help, they'll ask. We're all taking different roads for a reason, we all want to end up in different places. Some Like Thailand, some Californai, some Nunavut. Who am I to ay which is right?

Later Days

1 comment:

Peter Tschirhart said...

When it comes to choice, there is aways regret for not taking a certain path. Years from now when someone asks why your life is the way that it is, you can reply "I made a series of choices, some good some bad, and this is where I am.