Saturday, July 04, 2009

Rock Me Sexy Jesus

The World Wide Web
The Internet
The Interweb
The Web
The Net
The Information Highway

Cellular Telephone
Wireless Phone

All things a 21 year old girl has a difficult time living without in the year 2009. I know am half way back to normalcy and have a cell phone. I am again connected to my social circle and can at least update my twitter. The lack of an internet connection results in a lack of blog entries though, but I'm sure the world can survive without my two cents.

Summer is here and I have a list of things that I would like to accomplish. The list goes as follows:

1. Go to the drive-in
2. Pet a giraffe at the zoo
3. Produce my own record
3. Poop in the lake
4. Go backstage at a Nickelback concert
5. Make out in a random spot
6. Become a cheerleader
7. Get Pete Wentz to sign a framed picture of his 'little friend'
8. Throw glitter on my boyfriend...and film and put it on youtube
9. Tell Robert Pattinson he's a dick
10. Master the didgereedoo
12. Beat the first super mario brothers game
13. Buy Africa
14. Make a giant cookie shaped like Tom Hanks
15. Ride a donkey
16. Go To Narnia
17. Rock out to Chumbawamba
18. Go on a roadtrip with no destination
19. Find the real Santi (aka Mike Carden)
20. Make a soundtrack to my summer
21. Get my own reality tv show
22. Become a movie critic
23. Start a massive food fight
24. Have a dance off with Gabe Saporta
25. Stroke Patrick Stump's side burn
26. Come up with the best 'that's what she said' joke
27. Become the walrus
28. Loose my emo paleness
29. Climb a tree so that I can befriend a chipmunk
30. Convince a group of people that I am a celebrity

There's my list. What's Yours?

Here's a little FF for ya.. that's right, a little fun fact:
You can't plow a cotton field with an elephant in North Carolina.


Peter Tschirhart said...

Grace, Chipmunks are ground squirrels they don't climb trees. I do not discourage from climbing trees, you just need another reason. Okay?

Nicole Brown said...

soo I am so down in making a giant cookie that looks like tom hanks.

His girl Friday said...

I'm not a very good climber so maybe i'll just hang out in the back yard, there are always a million chipmunks there.

As for the cookiw that looks like Tom Hanks, I'm not sure if it's do able, but I would love to try. He's a great man, and what better way to honour him than in the form of something as delightful as a cookie?