His girl Friday's Weekend Kick Off Song
It is a beautiful Friday afternoon and your weekend kick off song is actually on time today. I think that this is cause for a celebration. I feel mildly guilty for neglecting you and then being late for two weeks in a row so for that reason and because it's a long weekend I am going to give you a little bonus song in addition to your regular wkos. I've felt pretty patriotic over the past few weeks so like last week, you're getting Canadian bands.
Help I'm Alive - Metric
Metric is an amazing indie rock band from Tronto, Ontario. They released their first cd in 2001 entitled Grow Up and Blow Away. They have three other cds as well. Old World Underground, Where are You Now? released in 2003, Live It Out released in 2007 and their newset album Fantasies released in April of 2009. All of their record have been released by Last Gang Records. Recently their music has popped up in the blogs of Mark Hoppus of blink-182 and William Beckett of The Academy Is...
Here is a little FF for ya, a fun fact if you will: Emily Hines lead vocalist of the band was actually born in New Delhi, India but was raised in Peterborough, Ontario. She has dual citizenship.
I have been listening to Metric since 2004 or 2005... when ever they released Combat Baby as a single. They're a solid band and have a different sound.
All information on the band came from wikipedia
And for your bonus song...
All To Myself - Marianas Trench
This is the second single of their second album Masterpiece Theater. The boys from Marianas Trench are from BC, Canada. Canadian's loved their first album FIX ME. Their singles, Say Anything, Decided to Break It and Shake Tramp did pretty well on the charts. I own the album my self and it's pretty solid. I loved it.
I have seen the band place twice. Once a couple of years ago and they put on a stellar performance. I recently saw them and was a little disappointed, but this song is pretty rad.
All Info on the band came from my head. I'm sure you can find it online in various places though.
Alright friends, enjoy the weekend.
Later Days
Friday, July 31, 2009
Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat And His Black and White (Cat or Cap? I think it's cat...)
It's 10:11am and I am wide awake and have been since shortly after 8:00am. Last week Puralator tried to deliver something to me and I slept through the door bell. The suspense as that what is in the envelope has been killing both myself and my friend Sarah all week. For the life of me I cannot figure out what it is. I called yesterday to have them deliver it again and I was told it would come today. I guess it makes sense that seeing how I woke up early to answer the door when the delivery man showed up that he wouldn't bother comming until this afternoon. My biggest fear is that I'll be in the washroom or something when he does come and I will again, miss him.
I have come to the conclusion that it's either something stating I owe money to somewhere or blink-182 tickets. I know that thoughs are quite the extreams but other than that I have nothing. I know what you're thinking, if you were getting blink-182 wouldn't you know? Well, no. I'm not sure if you are familliar with the scene card or not but I have one. Basically how it works is you get points every time you go see a movie and buy a ticket. You can redeem thoughs points for free movies and consession combos. I believe it's 1000 points for a free movie. They recently introduced this program where you could enter to win tickets to various concerts. One entry costs you 50 points. Having a total of 850 points I entered 16 times. It wouldn't allow me to spend my last 50 points or else it would have been 17 times. I am a huge blink-182 fan. For me not to see them is just rediculous. The concert is in a week and a half, so hopefully that is what is inside the evelope.
On a completely unrelated note, I would like to point out how Sexy the weather is today. It has been rainy and gloomy for what seems like forever. This weekend though it will truly be summer. I look out my window and see clear blue skies. Temperatures are suppose to be in the high twenties (celcius) which is perfect for a long weekend. Hopefully you get out there and enjoy it.
Later Days
It's 10:11am and I am wide awake and have been since shortly after 8:00am. Last week Puralator tried to deliver something to me and I slept through the door bell. The suspense as that what is in the envelope has been killing both myself and my friend Sarah all week. For the life of me I cannot figure out what it is. I called yesterday to have them deliver it again and I was told it would come today. I guess it makes sense that seeing how I woke up early to answer the door when the delivery man showed up that he wouldn't bother comming until this afternoon. My biggest fear is that I'll be in the washroom or something when he does come and I will again, miss him.
I have come to the conclusion that it's either something stating I owe money to somewhere or blink-182 tickets. I know that thoughs are quite the extreams but other than that I have nothing. I know what you're thinking, if you were getting blink-182 wouldn't you know? Well, no. I'm not sure if you are familliar with the scene card or not but I have one. Basically how it works is you get points every time you go see a movie and buy a ticket. You can redeem thoughs points for free movies and consession combos. I believe it's 1000 points for a free movie. They recently introduced this program where you could enter to win tickets to various concerts. One entry costs you 50 points. Having a total of 850 points I entered 16 times. It wouldn't allow me to spend my last 50 points or else it would have been 17 times. I am a huge blink-182 fan. For me not to see them is just rediculous. The concert is in a week and a half, so hopefully that is what is inside the evelope.
On a completely unrelated note, I would like to point out how Sexy the weather is today. It has been rainy and gloomy for what seems like forever. This weekend though it will truly be summer. I look out my window and see clear blue skies. Temperatures are suppose to be in the high twenties (celcius) which is perfect for a long weekend. Hopefully you get out there and enjoy it.
Later Days
Monday, July 27, 2009
Happy Monday
The week before a long weekend always seems to drag on and the weekend couldn't come soon enough. I'm not sure where you are reading from but here in Onatrio we will be celecrating the civic holiday. This holiday is celebrated in different parts of Canada. It's cool because people who work in offices get it off but the malls and such are still open.
I wasn't exactly sure what this holiday was for or why we celebrated it so I went to me good friend wikipedia for answers. Sadly it didn't have any other than it's the first Monday in August. After doing some digging with my other good friend, google, I got a little closer. Basically it's a holiday about working and people. It's designed to give you a break from work. In Ontario though if your employer says you're working, you're working. Plus it's not mandetory for them to pay you stat pay. If you're lucky enough to get it off though, enjoy it! If you're like me, every day is a day off with no pay. (bad joke alert)
I will be spending my civic holiday on my parents boat with my parents, my little brother, our yorkie mix Milo, and my boyfriend. I'm a little nervous how a weekend with my boyfriend and my parents will go. If all else fails I suppose I can always abandon ship with the dingy. It's not like they haven't met plenty of times before, but they've never spent long periods of time togeather. I'm sure it'll be an awkward experience for all involved. Wish me luck.
In the mean time, I will brighten up your gloomy Monday and leave you with this:
William Beckett of The Academy Is... covering the song Heartbeats by Jose Gonzales. I personally find it to be rather lovely. Hopefully it'll make you smile as much as I did. Maybe it's just because this boy makes me weak in the knees. His talent does it alone.
Later Days
The week before a long weekend always seems to drag on and the weekend couldn't come soon enough. I'm not sure where you are reading from but here in Onatrio we will be celecrating the civic holiday. This holiday is celebrated in different parts of Canada. It's cool because people who work in offices get it off but the malls and such are still open.
I wasn't exactly sure what this holiday was for or why we celebrated it so I went to me good friend wikipedia for answers. Sadly it didn't have any other than it's the first Monday in August. After doing some digging with my other good friend, google, I got a little closer. Basically it's a holiday about working and people. It's designed to give you a break from work. In Ontario though if your employer says you're working, you're working. Plus it's not mandetory for them to pay you stat pay. If you're lucky enough to get it off though, enjoy it! If you're like me, every day is a day off with no pay. (bad joke alert)
I will be spending my civic holiday on my parents boat with my parents, my little brother, our yorkie mix Milo, and my boyfriend. I'm a little nervous how a weekend with my boyfriend and my parents will go. If all else fails I suppose I can always abandon ship with the dingy. It's not like they haven't met plenty of times before, but they've never spent long periods of time togeather. I'm sure it'll be an awkward experience for all involved. Wish me luck.
In the mean time, I will brighten up your gloomy Monday and leave you with this:
William Beckett of The Academy Is... covering the song Heartbeats by Jose Gonzales. I personally find it to be rather lovely. Hopefully it'll make you smile as much as I did. Maybe it's just because this boy makes me weak in the knees. His talent does it alone.
Later Days
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Concert Etiquette
As I have stated before, it is in my opinion that music is best enjoyed live. Some people are into movies, some love the ballet. I love music. I started going to concerts when I was 16 years old. Over the last five years I have been to big festivals, shows in small pubs/bars, arena shows, award shows and shows in smaller all floor venues. I have seen atleast 33 shows that I can remember, although I'm sure more will come to me after I finish typing this. I have seen way too many bands to count. Although there are no written rules that you can google there are certain ways people should act at a show, band members and concert goers alike. When people go against the norm it makes for an unpleasant experience for other people who are just trying to enjoy the show.
It could just be that I am loosing patience and tolerence as I get older but I find that when I attend shows there are large numbers of younger fans that don't know the norm. It has gotten to the point where I become extreamly annoyed when I see someone under the age of 17 at a show and automatically become irritated. In order for us to co-exist in peace and enjoy the live music we love I thought I would point out some things you should keep in mind when attending a show. I am typing this entry at 5:20 am while watching Nick and Norah's Infinate playlist for the millionth time. I have yet to sleep so please bare with me.
Band Tee's
Let's start off easy as this first one isn't too much of a big deal. Wearing band merch is always welcomed at any type of show. It is reccomended though that if you are going to do this that you choose something that does NOT represent the band you are going to see. The reason for this is that everyone going to this show is there to see the same bands you are. When you wear a t-shirt or a hoodie that sports a logo from your favorite band you are basically advertising them to anyone who could potentialy see your shirt. You are going to a concert packed with kids who have a similar taste in music as you. If you wear a shirt from a different band it gives other people the chance to see what else you're into. In addition to this the band could possibly get some new fans from the people looking at your shirt. Free advertising. Wearing merch for the band you're about to see makes you look like a noob.
Butting In Line
There is no way to stop people from butting in line. It sucks if you've been waiting for five hours in the rain and someone shows up ten minutes before doors open and butts right infront of you, but that's life. We're all guilty of doing it. If you're going to line butt you need to be careful about it. Even though we all do it, line butting is still frowned upon. If you're obvious about it someone could tell security if you piss them off and you'll be bounced to the back of the line. If you're going to butt your best bet is to find a friend in line and start talking to them. Do NOT butt too close to the front of the line. Keep in mind that some people have been waiting a long time to get in, the closer to the front of the line you butt the more likely it is you'll get caught. Don't butt in massive groups as it really pisses people off. Go in groups of two, three max. Be as polite as possible and draw as little attention to your self as possible.
Security Check/Bags
Not all shows will have a security check but most will. People are excited and they want to get into the venue as quick as possible. Have your ticket ready to be checked. If you have a bag or purse have it open and ready to be searched. Don't be lame, if you know you have something that can't be brought in get rid of it before you get up to the door. Example, food and drinks. It's a well known fact you can't bring this in and it will be taken from you. The less you have with you the quicker you get in. Only bring in what you need. I have been guilty of bringing in my massive hobo bag purse. It works well if you have a hoodie with you or buy merch, plus all your friends can store their stuff in your bag too. Be careful that while you're in the crowd enjoying the show that your purse doesn't get in the way of other concert go-ers. Please leave your back packs at home. They're annoying and take up too much room. Everyone wants to get as close to the stage as possible.
Homemade Band Shirts
Over the last few years I've noticed that it's been a common practice for kids to make their own t-shirts using bleach or markers or fabric paint that says something realted to the band you are about to see. I have done this twice a few years ago and I more than likely wont do it again. Although I am not a big fan of the homemade shirts I'm assuming it's because I have grown out of the phase where it's cool. If you're going to do this make sure it looks good and is tasteful. The first time I did this my shirt had my favorite lyric on it using bleach and foam letters as stencils. The second time I used fabric paint on a tank top I wore under a hoodie. My tank top had a joke from the band on it and it made a good conversation starter between myself and the band. For that reason I understand why people do it. Make sure you fully understand what you are putting on your shirt. If you're not careful the joke could be on you. When a band talks about a "Band Slut' it's not a good thing, and not something you want to brand on a t-shirt, especially if you're twelve.
It's common knowledge that at show, especially a punk/rock/power pop show, there WILL be some pushing. If someone crashes into you keep your cool, they more than likely have been pushed by soemone else and are in a long line of pushers. Try to keep the pushing to a minimum this way you can maintain as much personal space as possible. Unless you're in a mosh pit, pushing just to be a jerk isn't cool. If you need to leave your spot or want to get closer try to do it inbetween bands. Know one wants you pushing past them to get a better spot then they have so be polite about it.
The idea of having parents at a show doesn't exactly sit well with me. You should not be going to shows unless you can prove to be responsible enough to be going on our own. If you are bringing your parents to a show keep your cell phone on you and leave them by the bar or near the back of the venue. Obviously this rule doesn't apply if you have assigned seats for an arena show. Parents are tall and block the view of the shorter kids who really want to see the show. They typically tend not to get into the performance and get angry when they are pushed or bumped into. The last thing I need is a 50 year old Mom yelling at me because someone pushed me into her eleven year old daughter or worse, her. The only exception to this is if your parent genuinely likes the band and understands what going to a concert entails. If they are going to enjoy them selves then by all means, enjoy.
Merch lines are always long and the guys behinde the table work their asses off to get you what you want as fast as possible so they can move on to the next one. Know what you want and in what sizes before it's your turn. Have a back up in mind incase they run out of that size or style. If you can add up your cost and have your money ready. The faaster the better. Keep in mind that merch guys make very little and if you can spare the change you should always tip them. Every bit helps. Most importantly, be polite and greatful. If you're rude they wont bother with you.
Bad attitudes are NOT welcome at shows, so please check your attitude at the door. We are all here for the same reason, to have a good time. Be polite and respectful to everyone. This isn't school, there is no popularity contests. We are all equals, just a bunch of people going to a show. Snarky comments and rude glares are not welcomed. It's also a good idea to keep in mind that the older someone is the longer they've been in the secene, comming to shows, and the more knowledge they have of the bad you're about to see. They will more than likely be the ones who know every word to every song, even the old stuff on the bands first EP. You don't want to disrespect them. If you are one of these hardcores, be polite and respectful to the noobs. One day they'll be hardcores like you.
Meeting the Band
Be polite and respectful. Do not bash a band that you're meeting. If you don't like them don't wait around to meet them. Generally it's ok to ask for one thing to be signed and ask to get your picture taken. When you're having a conversation with a band member be curteous to the other people waiting for their turn to meet them. If there's a lot of people I'd reccomend getting your picture/autograph and then waiting around until the crowd thins out to have your conversation. Be smart about what you get signed. Your skin is not a good idea as it WILL wash off. A picture of the band, their cd cover, a ticket stub are all appropriate things to get signed. Creativity is welcomed as long as it's appropriate. My friend got a tamborine signed once and it was a big hit. Asking for your bra or your boobs signed is awkward. I recently saw 12-15 year olds ask for this done. It's awkward for the band members and innapropriate, especially if you're under 18. Regaurdless of your age though it looks pretty trashy.
If you're in a band you must be on top of the world. When it comes to shows it's important for you to be as greatful and humble as possible when it comes to your fans. Treat them like equals. Keep in mind that if it wasn't for them you wouldn't be on stage at all. You should always hang out after shows to meet your fans, talk with them, take pictures and sign thigns. Make sure you act like you want to be there. No one likes an asshole who makes it obvious he doesn't give a shit about his fans and is eager to get back to the bus.
The bottom line here is respect. Respect the people around you, both on stage and not and the venue and staff and everyone will have a great time.
Later Days
As I have stated before, it is in my opinion that music is best enjoyed live. Some people are into movies, some love the ballet. I love music. I started going to concerts when I was 16 years old. Over the last five years I have been to big festivals, shows in small pubs/bars, arena shows, award shows and shows in smaller all floor venues. I have seen atleast 33 shows that I can remember, although I'm sure more will come to me after I finish typing this. I have seen way too many bands to count. Although there are no written rules that you can google there are certain ways people should act at a show, band members and concert goers alike. When people go against the norm it makes for an unpleasant experience for other people who are just trying to enjoy the show.
It could just be that I am loosing patience and tolerence as I get older but I find that when I attend shows there are large numbers of younger fans that don't know the norm. It has gotten to the point where I become extreamly annoyed when I see someone under the age of 17 at a show and automatically become irritated. In order for us to co-exist in peace and enjoy the live music we love I thought I would point out some things you should keep in mind when attending a show. I am typing this entry at 5:20 am while watching Nick and Norah's Infinate playlist for the millionth time. I have yet to sleep so please bare with me.
Band Tee's
Let's start off easy as this first one isn't too much of a big deal. Wearing band merch is always welcomed at any type of show. It is reccomended though that if you are going to do this that you choose something that does NOT represent the band you are going to see. The reason for this is that everyone going to this show is there to see the same bands you are. When you wear a t-shirt or a hoodie that sports a logo from your favorite band you are basically advertising them to anyone who could potentialy see your shirt. You are going to a concert packed with kids who have a similar taste in music as you. If you wear a shirt from a different band it gives other people the chance to see what else you're into. In addition to this the band could possibly get some new fans from the people looking at your shirt. Free advertising. Wearing merch for the band you're about to see makes you look like a noob.
Butting In Line
There is no way to stop people from butting in line. It sucks if you've been waiting for five hours in the rain and someone shows up ten minutes before doors open and butts right infront of you, but that's life. We're all guilty of doing it. If you're going to line butt you need to be careful about it. Even though we all do it, line butting is still frowned upon. If you're obvious about it someone could tell security if you piss them off and you'll be bounced to the back of the line. If you're going to butt your best bet is to find a friend in line and start talking to them. Do NOT butt too close to the front of the line. Keep in mind that some people have been waiting a long time to get in, the closer to the front of the line you butt the more likely it is you'll get caught. Don't butt in massive groups as it really pisses people off. Go in groups of two, three max. Be as polite as possible and draw as little attention to your self as possible.
Security Check/Bags
Not all shows will have a security check but most will. People are excited and they want to get into the venue as quick as possible. Have your ticket ready to be checked. If you have a bag or purse have it open and ready to be searched. Don't be lame, if you know you have something that can't be brought in get rid of it before you get up to the door. Example, food and drinks. It's a well known fact you can't bring this in and it will be taken from you. The less you have with you the quicker you get in. Only bring in what you need. I have been guilty of bringing in my massive hobo bag purse. It works well if you have a hoodie with you or buy merch, plus all your friends can store their stuff in your bag too. Be careful that while you're in the crowd enjoying the show that your purse doesn't get in the way of other concert go-ers. Please leave your back packs at home. They're annoying and take up too much room. Everyone wants to get as close to the stage as possible.
Homemade Band Shirts
Over the last few years I've noticed that it's been a common practice for kids to make their own t-shirts using bleach or markers or fabric paint that says something realted to the band you are about to see. I have done this twice a few years ago and I more than likely wont do it again. Although I am not a big fan of the homemade shirts I'm assuming it's because I have grown out of the phase where it's cool. If you're going to do this make sure it looks good and is tasteful. The first time I did this my shirt had my favorite lyric on it using bleach and foam letters as stencils. The second time I used fabric paint on a tank top I wore under a hoodie. My tank top had a joke from the band on it and it made a good conversation starter between myself and the band. For that reason I understand why people do it. Make sure you fully understand what you are putting on your shirt. If you're not careful the joke could be on you. When a band talks about a "Band Slut' it's not a good thing, and not something you want to brand on a t-shirt, especially if you're twelve.
It's common knowledge that at show, especially a punk/rock/power pop show, there WILL be some pushing. If someone crashes into you keep your cool, they more than likely have been pushed by soemone else and are in a long line of pushers. Try to keep the pushing to a minimum this way you can maintain as much personal space as possible. Unless you're in a mosh pit, pushing just to be a jerk isn't cool. If you need to leave your spot or want to get closer try to do it inbetween bands. Know one wants you pushing past them to get a better spot then they have so be polite about it.
The idea of having parents at a show doesn't exactly sit well with me. You should not be going to shows unless you can prove to be responsible enough to be going on our own. If you are bringing your parents to a show keep your cell phone on you and leave them by the bar or near the back of the venue. Obviously this rule doesn't apply if you have assigned seats for an arena show. Parents are tall and block the view of the shorter kids who really want to see the show. They typically tend not to get into the performance and get angry when they are pushed or bumped into. The last thing I need is a 50 year old Mom yelling at me because someone pushed me into her eleven year old daughter or worse, her. The only exception to this is if your parent genuinely likes the band and understands what going to a concert entails. If they are going to enjoy them selves then by all means, enjoy.
Merch lines are always long and the guys behinde the table work their asses off to get you what you want as fast as possible so they can move on to the next one. Know what you want and in what sizes before it's your turn. Have a back up in mind incase they run out of that size or style. If you can add up your cost and have your money ready. The faaster the better. Keep in mind that merch guys make very little and if you can spare the change you should always tip them. Every bit helps. Most importantly, be polite and greatful. If you're rude they wont bother with you.
Bad attitudes are NOT welcome at shows, so please check your attitude at the door. We are all here for the same reason, to have a good time. Be polite and respectful to everyone. This isn't school, there is no popularity contests. We are all equals, just a bunch of people going to a show. Snarky comments and rude glares are not welcomed. It's also a good idea to keep in mind that the older someone is the longer they've been in the secene, comming to shows, and the more knowledge they have of the bad you're about to see. They will more than likely be the ones who know every word to every song, even the old stuff on the bands first EP. You don't want to disrespect them. If you are one of these hardcores, be polite and respectful to the noobs. One day they'll be hardcores like you.
Meeting the Band
Be polite and respectful. Do not bash a band that you're meeting. If you don't like them don't wait around to meet them. Generally it's ok to ask for one thing to be signed and ask to get your picture taken. When you're having a conversation with a band member be curteous to the other people waiting for their turn to meet them. If there's a lot of people I'd reccomend getting your picture/autograph and then waiting around until the crowd thins out to have your conversation. Be smart about what you get signed. Your skin is not a good idea as it WILL wash off. A picture of the band, their cd cover, a ticket stub are all appropriate things to get signed. Creativity is welcomed as long as it's appropriate. My friend got a tamborine signed once and it was a big hit. Asking for your bra or your boobs signed is awkward. I recently saw 12-15 year olds ask for this done. It's awkward for the band members and innapropriate, especially if you're under 18. Regaurdless of your age though it looks pretty trashy.
If you're in a band you must be on top of the world. When it comes to shows it's important for you to be as greatful and humble as possible when it comes to your fans. Treat them like equals. Keep in mind that if it wasn't for them you wouldn't be on stage at all. You should always hang out after shows to meet your fans, talk with them, take pictures and sign thigns. Make sure you act like you want to be there. No one likes an asshole who makes it obvious he doesn't give a shit about his fans and is eager to get back to the bus.
The bottom line here is respect. Respect the people around you, both on stage and not and the venue and staff and everyone will have a great time.
Later Days
His girl Friday's Weekend Kick Off Song
Yes, I am well aware that I am well past the time period where I can call something a kick off to your weekend, but like it or lump it. Either You take you're music with a smile or continue listening to something lame like "Summer Time Girls" by LFO. I'm sorry but anyone who feels the need to name drop Abercrombie and Fitch twenty times in a row and talk about chinese food should not be writing the lyrics for your band. Moving right along then? This week I give you...
All I Ever Wanted - The Reason
I have been a big fan of The Reason for a couple years now. I originally saw them play at The Cutting Edge Music Festival the first year it was put on and held at The Grand Bend Motor Plex. I remember them playing an awesome set full of energy. Things got so crazy that the group of eager fans pushed through the barricade. I just happend to be at the front holding onto said barricade. I ended up with a ton of cuts on my inner thigh and bruises galore. On the plus side lead singer and gutarist Adam White came down and held me while he sang shortly there afterwards. It was kind of awkward, and kids were pulling and clawing at me to get to him but he did smell pretty good.
The Reason is a band based in Hamilton, Ontario and formed in the winter of 2003. They were later signed by Smallman Records in 2004. They currently have an EP - Problems Associated With Running and two full length albums, New From The Old and Things Couldn't Be Better. Their third full length will be released this fall. (2009)
The Reason headlined the Next Big Thing stage at the 5th annual 91.5 The Beat Rocks The Block and were amazing. They played a few tracks from Things Couldn't Be Better and a bunch of stuff off the upcomming album. I was right up front and from what I herd the new album will not disappoint. Even though it started to rain after finishing their set the guys stood outside talking to fans. Adam White was very cool when this twinkle douche (if you were there, it was the dude who yelled "play some slayer!" durring their set) came up to him and said I hate your band, I saw you on TV once and I turned the channel right away. He just smiled and thanked him for watching their set. He may not be able to say something, but I will gladly tell all of my readers and anyone else who is willing to listen that this guy is a twinkle douche. If Dane Cook were here he would shoot this guy with some spaghetti, he was very rude.

I took this picture, I'm sorry I don't know how to rotate it :-(
My links don't seem to be working but you can check out their myspace by going to www.myspace.com.thereasonrock
All of my information on the bands history came from www.last.fm/music/The+Reason/+wiki
Enjoy what's left of your weekend friends.
Later Days
Yes, I am well aware that I am well past the time period where I can call something a kick off to your weekend, but like it or lump it. Either You take you're music with a smile or continue listening to something lame like "Summer Time Girls" by LFO. I'm sorry but anyone who feels the need to name drop Abercrombie and Fitch twenty times in a row and talk about chinese food should not be writing the lyrics for your band. Moving right along then? This week I give you...
All I Ever Wanted - The Reason
I have been a big fan of The Reason for a couple years now. I originally saw them play at The Cutting Edge Music Festival the first year it was put on and held at The Grand Bend Motor Plex. I remember them playing an awesome set full of energy. Things got so crazy that the group of eager fans pushed through the barricade. I just happend to be at the front holding onto said barricade. I ended up with a ton of cuts on my inner thigh and bruises galore. On the plus side lead singer and gutarist Adam White came down and held me while he sang shortly there afterwards. It was kind of awkward, and kids were pulling and clawing at me to get to him but he did smell pretty good.
The Reason is a band based in Hamilton, Ontario and formed in the winter of 2003. They were later signed by Smallman Records in 2004. They currently have an EP - Problems Associated With Running and two full length albums, New From The Old and Things Couldn't Be Better. Their third full length will be released this fall. (2009)
The Reason headlined the Next Big Thing stage at the 5th annual 91.5 The Beat Rocks The Block and were amazing. They played a few tracks from Things Couldn't Be Better and a bunch of stuff off the upcomming album. I was right up front and from what I herd the new album will not disappoint. Even though it started to rain after finishing their set the guys stood outside talking to fans. Adam White was very cool when this twinkle douche (if you were there, it was the dude who yelled "play some slayer!" durring their set) came up to him and said I hate your band, I saw you on TV once and I turned the channel right away. He just smiled and thanked him for watching their set. He may not be able to say something, but I will gladly tell all of my readers and anyone else who is willing to listen that this guy is a twinkle douche. If Dane Cook were here he would shoot this guy with some spaghetti, he was very rude.

I took this picture, I'm sorry I don't know how to rotate it :-(
My links don't seem to be working but you can check out their myspace by going to www.myspace.com.thereasonrock
All of my information on the bands history came from www.last.fm/music/The+Reason/+wiki
Enjoy what's left of your weekend friends.
Later Days
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Broken Love
I think that the route of all of our problems is that we do not know how to properly love. We are taught by society at an early age that love is a big and scary thing. If you're not careful it can be very painful. The issue is that we get so wrapped up in how big and important and scary it is that we forget about how amazing love is and being in love can be.
I don't know about your generation, but mine is very lazy. We can have anything we want by clicking a button, swiping a card or asking Mommy and Daddy, for the most part. When something is hard or challenging we throw in the towel and give up without a second thought. We don't realize that if we have to work for it then it'll more than likely be more than worth the effort.
When it comes to relationships, we rush into things too quickly. We don't take the time to lay down the ground work for a sound and sturdy foundation. Seeing how we're so used to getting things and not having to wait, we what love and we want it now. We find a willing participant and start going through the motions.
We're a very scared and confused generation you see, especially when it comes to relationships. We're so scared of getting our heart broken that we never hand over our whole heart to our partner. We're constantly on the edge of our seats waiting to become the story line for the next Dashboard Conffesional single. We end relationships abruptly because we're too self centered and lazy to actually fix the issues at hand. We stay in bad relationships because we're too scared of being alone and not finding the right kind of love and relationship the best suits us.
I agree that it is important to be cautious with your heart, but only until you find the right person who can keep it safe. Trust and communication and key but if you don't choose the right person to be with it'll never work. We wear our hearts on our sleeves when we should be protecting them and we are locking them up and swollowing the key when we should be handing them to our lovers. It's just like I said, we're a confused generation.
If you're going to love then please go big or go home. Don't half ass it, by any means. Be open minded and prepare to get your hands dirty. Love is messy and challenging and tiring, but I hear it's worth more than all of the riches in the universe combind. Don't let fear paralize you. Everyone deserves to be happy and there isn't a better feeling than knowing that you are someone's everything and vice versa.
Later Days
I think that the route of all of our problems is that we do not know how to properly love. We are taught by society at an early age that love is a big and scary thing. If you're not careful it can be very painful. The issue is that we get so wrapped up in how big and important and scary it is that we forget about how amazing love is and being in love can be.
I don't know about your generation, but mine is very lazy. We can have anything we want by clicking a button, swiping a card or asking Mommy and Daddy, for the most part. When something is hard or challenging we throw in the towel and give up without a second thought. We don't realize that if we have to work for it then it'll more than likely be more than worth the effort.
When it comes to relationships, we rush into things too quickly. We don't take the time to lay down the ground work for a sound and sturdy foundation. Seeing how we're so used to getting things and not having to wait, we what love and we want it now. We find a willing participant and start going through the motions.
We're a very scared and confused generation you see, especially when it comes to relationships. We're so scared of getting our heart broken that we never hand over our whole heart to our partner. We're constantly on the edge of our seats waiting to become the story line for the next Dashboard Conffesional single. We end relationships abruptly because we're too self centered and lazy to actually fix the issues at hand. We stay in bad relationships because we're too scared of being alone and not finding the right kind of love and relationship the best suits us.
I agree that it is important to be cautious with your heart, but only until you find the right person who can keep it safe. Trust and communication and key but if you don't choose the right person to be with it'll never work. We wear our hearts on our sleeves when we should be protecting them and we are locking them up and swollowing the key when we should be handing them to our lovers. It's just like I said, we're a confused generation.
If you're going to love then please go big or go home. Don't half ass it, by any means. Be open minded and prepare to get your hands dirty. Love is messy and challenging and tiring, but I hear it's worth more than all of the riches in the universe combind. Don't let fear paralize you. Everyone deserves to be happy and there isn't a better feeling than knowing that you are someone's everything and vice versa.
Later Days
Saturday, July 04, 2009
His girl Friday's Weekend Kick Off Song
It's been a few weeks and I know that it's Saturday, but take it or leave it. Here is your wkos.
Until The Stars Fall from the Sky - Mark Hoppus
Mark Hoppus is the man. There is no other way to say it. This song was written for the movie Fired UP! This song is fun and upbeat and dancey. It's the perfect summer song.
You can catch Mark Hoppus on tour all summer long with his band blink-182. He updates his twitter every 30 seconds so you can check him up there.
It's been a few weeks and I know that it's Saturday, but take it or leave it. Here is your wkos.
Until The Stars Fall from the Sky - Mark Hoppus
Mark Hoppus is the man. There is no other way to say it. This song was written for the movie Fired UP! This song is fun and upbeat and dancey. It's the perfect summer song.
You can catch Mark Hoppus on tour all summer long with his band blink-182. He updates his twitter every 30 seconds so you can check him up there.
Rock Me Sexy Jesus
The World Wide Web
The Internet
The Interweb
The Web
The Net
The Information Highway
Cellular Telephone
Wireless Phone
All things a 21 year old girl has a difficult time living without in the year 2009. I know am half way back to normalcy and have a cell phone. I am again connected to my social circle and can at least update my twitter. The lack of an internet connection results in a lack of blog entries though, but I'm sure the world can survive without my two cents.
Summer is here and I have a list of things that I would like to accomplish. The list goes as follows:
1. Go to the drive-in
2. Pet a giraffe at the zoo
3. Produce my own record
3. Poop in the lake
4. Go backstage at a Nickelback concert
5. Make out in a random spot
6. Become a cheerleader
7. Get Pete Wentz to sign a framed picture of his 'little friend'
8. Throw glitter on my boyfriend...and film and put it on youtube
9. Tell Robert Pattinson he's a dick
10. Master the didgereedoo
12. Beat the first super mario brothers game
13. Buy Africa
14. Make a giant cookie shaped like Tom Hanks
15. Ride a donkey
16. Go To Narnia
17. Rock out to Chumbawamba
18. Go on a roadtrip with no destination
19. Find the real Santi (aka Mike Carden)
20. Make a soundtrack to my summer
21. Get my own reality tv show
22. Become a movie critic
23. Start a massive food fight
24. Have a dance off with Gabe Saporta
25. Stroke Patrick Stump's side burn
26. Come up with the best 'that's what she said' joke
27. Become the walrus
28. Loose my emo paleness
29. Climb a tree so that I can befriend a chipmunk
30. Convince a group of people that I am a celebrity
There's my list. What's Yours?
Here's a little FF for ya.. that's right, a little fun fact:
You can't plow a cotton field with an elephant in North Carolina.
The World Wide Web
The Internet
The Interweb
The Web
The Net
The Information Highway
Cellular Telephone
Wireless Phone
All things a 21 year old girl has a difficult time living without in the year 2009. I know am half way back to normalcy and have a cell phone. I am again connected to my social circle and can at least update my twitter. The lack of an internet connection results in a lack of blog entries though, but I'm sure the world can survive without my two cents.
Summer is here and I have a list of things that I would like to accomplish. The list goes as follows:
1. Go to the drive-in
2. Pet a giraffe at the zoo
3. Produce my own record
3. Poop in the lake
4. Go backstage at a Nickelback concert
5. Make out in a random spot
6. Become a cheerleader
7. Get Pete Wentz to sign a framed picture of his 'little friend'
8. Throw glitter on my boyfriend...and film and put it on youtube
9. Tell Robert Pattinson he's a dick
10. Master the didgereedoo
12. Beat the first super mario brothers game
13. Buy Africa
14. Make a giant cookie shaped like Tom Hanks
15. Ride a donkey
16. Go To Narnia
17. Rock out to Chumbawamba
18. Go on a roadtrip with no destination
19. Find the real Santi (aka Mike Carden)
20. Make a soundtrack to my summer
21. Get my own reality tv show
22. Become a movie critic
23. Start a massive food fight
24. Have a dance off with Gabe Saporta
25. Stroke Patrick Stump's side burn
26. Come up with the best 'that's what she said' joke
27. Become the walrus
28. Loose my emo paleness
29. Climb a tree so that I can befriend a chipmunk
30. Convince a group of people that I am a celebrity
There's my list. What's Yours?
Here's a little FF for ya.. that's right, a little fun fact:
You can't plow a cotton field with an elephant in North Carolina.
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