Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pretty words will be said when I'm not to tired to type they. My eyelids are getting hravy. Good-Night moon.

Friday, May 29, 2009

His girl Friday's Weekend Kick Off Song

One More Weekend - The Adademy Is...

This video was taken by xneedwantlovexx (youtuber) from their show at The Guvernment in Toronto on November 22nd 2008. I was actually at this show and it was amazing.

I couldn't find a video that had a studio version of the song that was of good quality. jesseyoderoftlsp (youtuber) playing the drums overtop of the song was as close as I could get. He's pretty good though. :-)

One More Weekend - Academy Is...
It is in my opinion that the best way to kick off a weekend is with a good song. Every Friday I am going to post a new song for you to check out and hopefully fall in love with. You can post your thoughts and opinions via comments if you'd like.

Seeing how I recently posted about The Academy Is... it only seemed fitting that they start us off. One More Weekend is the last song on their latest cd Fast Times At Barrington High. This particular song is my personal favorite off the album. Some others worth checking out would be The Test, Automatic Eyes and Beware Cougar. The whole cd is pretty solid though; I don't skip past any songs. It was a very laid back feel to it for the most part. It's pretty versitle in the sense that you can be in any mood at any time in any place and it will never fail to be a good fit. This Chicago based band has some tour dates comming up in July for my American readers. Hopefully they'll be back in Canada shortly. They are deffinately worth checking out live if you are given the chance. They have two other cds in addition to Fast Times. Almost Home was their debut followed by Santi.

Later Days

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I love rain. I love when it pours. I love the smells and sounds and how beautiful everything looks. I love getting caught in the rain. I love kissing in the rain. I love the rain.

I am terrified of change. The unknown is very scary. I have been stuck in the same situations with the same people that always have the same end result for the past three years. Too scared to move forward. I have never had a direction, just stuck in the same spot. Coasting through life not knowing what to do or where to go. I've made mistake after mistake. My vision is so clouded with frustration and desperation that I couldn't see an opportunity if it was right infront of me. Every time I take step forward I always end up going back.

I think I'm at a point in my life where it is important for me to embrace the unknown and venture out on my own. A good friend of mine is about to kind of start over her life and I'm very envious. She's talking to me about this place she is getting and painting it and such. She seems pretty nervous but I think that she's excited too. She's starting a new chapter. She's going to learn to be strong and she'll see how amazing she is.

As she was talking about painting and got me thinking that I had never in my whole life been given the opportunity to pick the colour of my room. My sisters had, but not me. Being given the chance to express your self and pick a colour to set the mood in your room is a big deal. I think your bedroom can speak volumes about who you are as a person. I want to have a place to call my own. I want to paint and decorate and entertain people. I know it's silly to worry about the colour of your walls but it's a step. A step in the right direction. You're taking a risk, trying out the unknown. Choosing to change something isn't a safe move.

I'm ready to move on. To take risks and make changes. I'm ready to discover what's out there. I'm ready to say hello to the real world and starting living an adult life.

Later Days

Monday, May 25, 2009

Could I weather a storm?

The air is filled with uncertainty.
I think I see some storm clouds on the horizon.
Should I abandon ship?
Maybe I will take cover.
All storms pass eventually... right?
Spring Inbox Cleaning

I am an e-mail saver. I opt not to delete messages fron family and friends so that I can re read it when I'm bored. Recently I went through and deleted all of my old messages minus a handful.

I had kept every e-mail that my boyfriend had ever sent me. It was strange to go back and read through our old conversations. Most were pleasant, some were not.

There was one that I kept. It was asking me things that I never ended up needing to follow through on. I find it interesting to compare our relationship now to how it was when he sat down and wrote that e-mail. I don't know why I kept it. It wasn't filled with sweet nothings or something of a similar nature. It was of a rather serious nature. Maybe I kept it because it said that he loved me.

Funny how my brain works sometimes.

Later Days

Sunday, May 24, 2009

We are half alone our hearts are leaving home

I love music. There is something about it that gives it to make everything in your world seem not so bad for two and a half minutes. I fell in love with music when I was ten. I honestly believe that I would not be the same person if I had never herd "What's my age again" by Blink182. By listening to them it opened me up to a whole world of bands.

It is my opinion that music is best enjoyed live. There's a certain energy that can be found at live shows that cannot be duplicated else where. It's hard for me to explain this energy to you. I guess it's just the kind of thing you need to experience first hand. Every thing about my life and who I am feels right for an hour. I am happiest in front of a stage. I will probably require hearing aids before I am 40, but it is a small price to pay.

One of the only bands I make a point of seeing every time they come to town is The Academy Is... I have all three of their cds. With each passing album they gain more of an indie sound than a power pop band. They grow with their audience. Lead singer William Beckett's lyrics ans melodic voice have a way of speaking to my soul. I highly recomend checking out their latest cd 'Fast Times At Barrington High' as your ears will be in for a treat.

I have a tattoo on my right wrist for their second album, Santi. It is supose to meaning anything positive if I understood it correctly. Within a week I regretted it. I couldn't sleep because I thought I had made a terrible mistake. I now see it as one of the best things I've done. I can look at my wrist during hard times and be reminded to stay positive through out everything. I'm reminded of the music that has saved me on countless occaisons.

I guess my only purpose today is to give some much deserved credit to an amazing band. They have a genuinely good sound and are some of the nicest boys you will ever meet.

Later Days

Saturday, May 23, 2009

No more teachers, no more books!

I did not enjoy the 4 years I spent in high school. Who ever said that high school would create the best days of your life clearly did not amount to anything after graduation. He must not have gotten married, had children, friends or even a loyal pet. I would assume that suicide was involved in their post graduation days, either that or a heavy drinking problem. If the average person lives to be 80 years of age I would like to think that when I look back on my life I will not see that it peaked in the first quarter, but that's just me.

If I were to sit here and tell you that it was all bad I would be a liar. I am a terrible liar. My mother can confirm this little fact. I got involved in choir and various leadership type groups but none of that really sticks out. I really enjoyed some of my classes. I took science up until grade eleven. I attempted to take it in twelve but not enough people signed up for the class and it was cancled.

In grade ten and eleven I had a fairly attractive teacher for science. He was a younger man, no older than thirty. He gave off a 'I'm a dick and I know it' vibe but it seemed to work for him. He was a funny guy that Mr. Baird. I remember he told a ditsy blond to stand in the closet because she was being annoying. He seemed like the kind of guy who just didn't care about anything. I used to show up late for class every day and he never said a word. I don't think it was that he didn't care, I think he just knew when to pick his battles. Besides, it was more entertaining to make fun of my tardiness than do something about it.

Mr. Baird loved to travel. It could be speculated that the only reason he was a teacher was for the two month vacation in the summer. When he didn't feel like teaching us he would show us slide show presentations filled with pictures of his various trips. He's been to a lot of places and seen a lot of things. He has a lot of stories to tell. I remember his pictures from Nepal and India the best. He told us how he paid people to beat the dirt out of his clothes on rocks. He taught us about shawmen. He taught us death rituals. He showed us pictures of a dead climber wrapped in a tarp. He had fallen while climbing a mountain. They were all fastinating.

For what ever reason, Thailand interested me the most. I'd always sit at the edge of my seat when he spoke of Thailand. I convinced myself that I would go. After high school I planned out a one month trip. Mr. Baird said that going for any less than a month was a waste. I had researched for months. Sadly I lacked money and a travel partner, two of the most important things you need for a trip. I have been out of high school for almost three years and haver yet to go. I will though, one day.

It's funny because I never had an interest in science, just his travel stories. That's probably why I continued to take the class. I gave up on education though in my grade eleven year. My english teacher graded me in the 60's on an essay I worked my ass off on. It was an essay she had read over and approved. Confused with my graded I asked her how to improve. Her response was simply, "nothing, you just don't have the thinking level for university." Shortly after, like a fool I had let her gert to me and dropped her class and lost all interest in school all togeather. I don't know whether to blame Ms. Layfield or my lack of strength. Maybe it was both. I guess not every teacher can be has intriuging as my science teacher.

Is it a bad thing that I don't remember anything science related that he taught me?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Cool Breeze

I feel like I should be disappointed. I had high hopes for this lovely Friday. I expected blue skies and high temperatures. The boy that I am involved with had planed on making the trip from Mississauga to my small by comparison city to see me. I was going to show my abandoned swim suit some love and we were going to enjoy all that Grand Bend has to offer. I was looking forward to slaping on some tanning lotion that smells like a tropical alcoholic drink and getting some much needed colour into my paler than Nicole Kidman skin. From Yesterday, my view of tomorow looked quite nice.

I woke up sometime before 8am unwillingly by a Mother, who by the tone in her voice was not pleased to be starting another day. I reluctantly got up after my second or third wake up call and prceded to get dressed. The denim capis I had envisoned myself wearing the night before were sitting in a laundry basket waiting to reach the dryer. I settled for something different with the intention of changing later. As I walked my seven year old brother to school as per my usual rutine I realised that the weather didn't exactly meet up to my expectations. The was a thick blanket of puffy grey clouds over head and the temperature was at least 10 degrees cooler than the 30 degree weather we had yesterday. There was also a light breeze in addition to the mild temperature. I returned home to a quiet and empty house and sat down to check my e-mail. A message was waiting in my inbox, informing me that a certain boy will no longer be Cambridge bound today as he has been called into work. I supose giving the current state of the economy I to would cancle plans for $25 an hour.

Instead of sitting in Allan's red daytona speeding down a back road with the windows down I am left sitting in my parent's living room using a video game console to connect to the world wide web. I will more than likely spend my day working on house hold chores and my weekend will be spent looking after that same seven year old I took to school this morning. I should be disappointed. I should be upset that I am not worth more than $25/h. I should be angry that my ghost like complextion will have to wait to be painted by the sun. I should be annoyed that I am a young 21 year old girl and that my lack of an itinerary is causing me to waste my youth. Keeping all that in mind I don't have a single negative feeling in my body. The cool breeze comming in from the screen door is comforting. The thought that it might rain brings a small and simple smile to my face.

There is no point in getting worked up over things that I cannot control. There will be plenty of time for hot summer days at the beach, long car rides, kisses and sunsets. This summer has the potential to be epic and I have every intention of making the most of it. I recently herd the new single for All Time Low's new cd. The song is called 'Weightless'. A line in the song's chorus really stuck with me and I've decided to make it my summer anthem. ''Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year.'' I think everyone should live their lives with that in mind. Now if you'll excuse me, there is an over sized yorkie who would like me to give him the love that I had planned on giving my swim suit. I'm sure I can find him a little extra to go along with it.

Later Days

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I decided it was time to redo this little blog of mine and start fresh. Everyone loves a clean slate right?

I guess to be straight up about it, I am a very lost little girl just trying to find my place in the world. I have many questions and not so many answers. When I figure it out I will let you know.

It's always been a dream of mine to write a book. Seeing how I have nothing else going for me I might as well give it a go. Wish me luck.